One study investigated the differences

between self-estim

One study investigated the differences

between self-estimated HKI-272 manufacturer and actual workload. Conclusions  Whilst there is a clear perception that the type and amount of work output expected from individual community pharmacists has been changing and increasing over the last few decades, pharmacists are viewed as continuing to remain based in the dispensary. The impact of such changes to the practice of community pharmacy in the UK is poorly defined, although links have been made to increasing levels of pharmacist job dissatisfaction and stress. Value for money in health care is essential, especially with the current downturn in the economic climate. Retail pharmacy businesses (community pharmacies) in the UK have not escaped scrutiny or funding cuts from successive governments. In England and Wales, the fee paid to community pharmacy contractors per prescription item dispensed

has decreased from £1.29 in 1995 to £0.90[1,2] in 2011. Claw-backs hit community pharmacy in late 2007; the government reduced the reimbursement to pharmacy contractors for a large number of medicines for which it sets a standardised price. Moreover, since the introduction of the 2005 National Health Service (NHS) community pharmacy contractual framework in England and Wales, remuneration for pharmacy progestogen antagonist contractors changed so that less NHS income originates from the dispensing process and more from additional pharmaceutical services, many of which are clinically focused. The first suggestion of this shift occurred in the Nuffield Report in 1986.[3] This was further strengthened by initiatives such as ‘Pharmacy in a New Age’,[4–6] a Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB)

consultation in the mid 1990s to develop a strategy for taking pharmacy into the 21st century. This expansion of the community pharmacist’s role, whilst also providing better value for money, enabled patients to access services previously only available from their general practitioners (GPs). This is illustrative of the general trend of obtaining Vasopressin Receptor better value for public money in health care. It is important to note that the NHS community pharmacy contractual framework (CPCF) is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland than it is in England and Wales. In Scotland and Northern Ireland, remuneration for pharmacy contractors is different; there are also different core services. In Scotland, this includes a Minor Ailments Service where certain NHS patients can be treated in their nominated pharmacy free of charge.[7] A limited minor ailments service is available in Northern Ireland, although this is not a core service.[8] This will be seen in relation to some of the literature identified. Dispensing is a primary function of community pharmacy businesses.

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