Use of slow rTMS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is

Use of slow rTMS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is aimed at reducing overactivity in this brain area and thus resolving a suspected hemispheric imbalance.100 TMS in the treatment of major depression Administering rTMS to healthy individuals has not been shown to induce significant mood changes,101 although left prefrontal rTMS is associated with transient decreased happiness and right prefrontal rTMS with transient decreased sadness.102,103

research compared Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with sham administration, slow and fast rTMS have been shown to have some antidepressant properties.104-109 However, analyzing these studies is difficult due to the different techniques used such as different frequencies, coil design, and positions. A systematic

review by Burt et al evaluated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the antidepressant effect of TMS.110 A meta-analysis of open and uncontrolled studies showed an antidepressant effect, but the clinical significance of this effect was uncertain, since most patients did not meet standard criteria for clinical response Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or remission. A meta-analysis of controlled studies showed that rTMS has superior antidepressant properties compared with sham administration (Figure 4). However, similarly to the uncontrolled studies, the therapeutic effect was of doubtful clinical significance due to modest average effect and small average difference in improvement between active and sham conditions. A subsequent systematic review and meta-analysis included 14 trials.111 Pooled analysis using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression showed an effect in favor of rTMS compared Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with sham after 2 weeks of treatment, but this was not significant at follow-up 2 weeks after the intervention period. The conclusion of this analysis was that “current trials are of low quality and provide insufficient

evidence to support the use of rTMS in the treatment of depression.” This conclusion is shared by two other reviews112,113 but not Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by another meta-analysis of randomized sham-controlled trials of left prefrontal rTMS that found an “acute antidepressant treatment with statistically significant effect sizes and measurable clinical improvement.”114 It is clear that further controlled studies using standardized methodology are needed in order to establish Idoxuridine the place of rTMS in the treatment of major depression. Figure 4. Meta-analysis of controlled trials of TMS. Figure shows effect size (d) and 95% confidence intervals for randomized, controlled studies of TMS and rTMS in the treatment of depression. The size of the boxes is proportional to the sample size. The overall … A few studies have compared the antidepressant effect of rTMS and ECT115-118 These suggest that the antidepressant effect of rTMS is similar or slightly inferior to the antidepressant effect of ECT; however, in these studies the average improvement with ECT was unusually low.

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