5 ± 0 8 (n = 39, age 6 6 ± 1 6 yrs) (28) At T0 and all subseque

5 ± 0.8 (n = 39, age 6.6 ± 1.6 yrs) (28). At T0 and all subsequent time points, the height-adjusted Z-scores were significantly higher than age-based Z-scores. Height-adjusted Z-scores remained stable with years of deflazacort until boys started losing ambulation. By contrast, and similar to the Montreal cohort, age-based Z-scores declined with years of deflazacort. Weight Weight excess

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the Montreal Wortmannin ic50 cohort was defined as body mass index (BMI) > 85%. At 8 years of age, 3 of 18 control and 8 of 31 treated boys had a BMI > 85% for the Montreal cohort (11). At 12 years, 6 of 11 control and 13 of 21 treated had a BMI > 85%. The frequency of weight excess appeared similar for both treated and control groups at 12 years (62% vs. 55%) (11). For the Toronto cohort, the mean weight for age in treated patients was between the 25 and 75th percentile between 10 and 18 years of age Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (10). For control patients, their weight was greater than the treated boys at 10 years (37 ± 6 kg vs. 34 ± 4 kg), slightly less at 15 years (52 ± 15 kg vs. 58 ± 6 kg) and then decreased to the 3-10

percentiles at 18 years while the treated group remained at the 50th percentile (53 ± 12 kg vs. 71 ± 8 kg) (10). Deflazacort delayed the weight loss phase of this disease. It is important to note that while BMI is a useful measurement in the general population it Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is difficult to interpret in this population due to their short stature. Percent body fat determined by subcapital total body DEXA

could be a better measurement for obesity. Height Height was decreased in the treated group compared to the control group for both cohorts. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In the Montreal cohort, there was decreased rate of growth where only 3 of 20 treated patients grew 4 cm/year or more compared to 19/19 in the control group (11). In the Toronto cohort, treated boys were significantly shorter than the control at 10 years age (128 ± 5 cm vs. 135 ± 6 cm), 15 years (143 ± 9 cm vs. 164 ± 8 cm) and 18 years (156 ± 7 cm vs. 166 ± 7 cm) (10). For the Toronto cohort, when the boys were ambulating, height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a standiometer. When the boys were nonambulatory, the height Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was calculated based Methisazone on their measured ulna length (30). None of the boys in either cohort were treated with growth hormone. Cataracts Cataracts were more common in treated patients in both cohorts (Montreal 49% [18 of 37] [11] and Toronto 55% [22 of 40] [10]). Most of the patients in Montreal (17/18) developed cataracts after at least 5 years of treatment (11). In the Toronto cohort, cataracts were noted as early as 4 months and as late as after 10 years of treatment (10). The patients on deflazacort are assessed annually by an Ophthalmologist (10). If the cataracts are interfering with vision in sunlight we recommend sunglasses and a brimmed hat. Six of the patients in the Toronto cohort had large central cataracts that required cataract surgery. Increased intraocular pressure has not been an issue.

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