2007]. Further studies in these fields are warranted, particularly studies of the pathogenetic role of stress-induced variations of NE in patients at increased risk from the development of poor memory performance, unusual thought content and psychotic symptoms [Keller et al. 2006] and the effect of α-1 receptor blockade. Limitations The limitations of this study are the small number of patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with PSDEP, and the use of psychotropic drugs by all patients. The results need to be replicated in a larger patient sample. Since drug withdrawal of patients with PSDEP is ethically not
very acceptable, the ideal of the recruitment of a large group of drug-free patients with PSDEP will not be easily attainable. The validity of the semi-standardized diagnostic method
for major depression and its DSM-IV subcategories used in this study needs to be investigated by a comparison with one of the current (semi)standardized diagnostic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical interviews. Footnotes This study was supported by a grant from Wyeth. The authors have no conflict of interest. The sponsoring company had no influence on any stage of the study from concept to Epigenetic inhibitor datasheet report.
Objectives: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is a rare but potentially fatal complication of antipsychotic treatment. However, there is no single diagnostic test and a variety of overlapping criteria exist. Using a large case register of secondary mental healthcare in Southeast London, we aimed to identify suspected cases and quantify the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical levels of agreement between six different diagnostic criteria
previously published. Methods: Taking advantage of a recently developed case register sourced from full but Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical anonymized electronic medical records (the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust), we applied text string searching to identify suspected NMS cases for which action had been taken to investigate or treat. Three psychiatrists manually reviewed case records for clinical data to compare diagnostic criteria. Results: Analysis of the case register revealed 183 suspected NMS cases, of which 43 fulfilled at least one set of the six diagnostic criteria. Agreement between criteria was poor (κ = 0.35 for all combined agreement; 95% confidence interval Thymidine kinase 0.31–0.39) and only one case fulfilled all six diagnostic criteria. However, among cases meeting any diagnostic criteria, pyrexia, extrapyramidal symptoms, altered consciousness, autonomic symptoms, and elevated CK concentrations were significantly more common than in cases not meeting diagnostic criteria (p < 0.01). On further analyses, the presence of two or more of these features significantly distinguished cases meeting criteria from those that did not (p < 0.01). Individual symptoms were also reported in suspected cases of NMS that did not fulfil any diagnostic criteria.