4-8 Parallel declines in IGF-I have also been observed by ourselves and others.4,9,10 A variety of mechanisms could potentially underlie this decline in GH secretion with aging. Current evidence suggests that this is most likely the result of both a decrease in GHS activity and an increase in somatostatin, but not an intrinsic loss of pituitary Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical capacity to secrete GH. Consequently, stimulation of the somatotrophic axis with GHRH is a potential alternative to replacement with GH itself in normal aging. GHSs such as GHRH may result in a more “physiological”
stimulus to GH secretion than GH per se. GHRH yields a pulsatile GH secretion as opposed the continuously elevated levels seen with GH administration. Further, when a secretogogue is used, the normal negative feedback regulation by
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical IGF-I on pituitary GH secretion is preserved, offering the possibility of reduced side AZD6244 effects. The hypothesis that age-related decreases in IGF-I and protein synthesis are due to an age-associated decrement in GH secretion is supported by studies showing that exogenous GH administration restores plasma Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical IGF-I to youthful levels in aged animals and humans.11-13 Similarly, IGF-I restores protein synthesis and lean body mass (LBM) in animals and humans.11,14,15 Thus, the age changes in the GH-IGF-I axis and LBM appear to be at least partly reversible. Aging, sleep and somatotrophic hormones Nearly 40% of the older (over 55 years) population suffers from and complains of insomnia, fragmented sleep, and poor sleep quality, more than
any other age group.16-19 Older individuals are twice as likely to complain of difficulties falling asleep and remaining asleep, and of having less restful sleep than younger individuals. These complaints of poor sleep are supported by objective findings Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the sleep laboratory, which include: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (i) a decrease in stages 3 and 4 sleep (slow-wave sleep [SWS]), often called “deep” sleep, and the delta electroencephalography (FRG) activity that characterizes it; (ii) an increase in the number of awakenings from sleep and an increase in the total time spent awake; and (iii) a decrease in the rapideye-movement (REM) sleep stage. We20,21 and others have shown that these disturbed sleep patterns are seen even in optimally healthy, noncomplaining, Oxygenase elderly individuals who have been carefully screened for possible medical and psychological factors that might disrupt sleep. The public health burden associated with sleep disturbances in the elderly is considerable. These sleep disturbances have been linked to increased use of sedative hypnotics,22-5 greater use of the health services,22,26-28 and reduced functional ability and quality of life.17,18,29,30 Further, these sleep disturbances are frequently comorbid with physical and mental illness,22,28,31-34 are often a major reason for nursing home placement,35,36 and may predict future declines in physical health and mortality.