For example, one review that examined biofeedback during one acti

For example, one review that examined biofeedback during one activity (walking), separated the interventions into biofeedback providing kinematic, temporospatial, or kinetic information, and was unable to conduct a meta-analysis (Tate and Milner 2010). Other reviews that examined only one type of biofeedback have found that EMG feedback

does not improve outcome either at the impairment or activity level (Woodford and Price 2009) or that ground reaction force feedback does not improve balance or mobility (Barclay-Goddard et al check details 2009, van Peppen et al 2006). This systematic review examines the effect of biofeedback more broadly in enhancing the training of motor skills after stroke. Unlike previous reviews, it includes clinical trials where any form of biofeedback was provided during the practice of the whole activity (rather than practice of part of the activity) and where outcomes were measured during the same activity. The focus is on activities involving the lower limb such as sitting, standing Selleck Pazopanib up, standing

and walking, since independence in these activities has a significant influence on quality of life and ability to participate in activities of daily living. Although there has been one previous review of biofeedback for lower limb activities (Glanz et al 1995), only outcomes at the impairment level were measured. Biofeedback for stroke rehabilitation has been known about for decades (eg, since Basmajian et al

1975). However it is not commonly used despite its relatively low cost. For biofeedback to be implemented widely into clinical practice, its effect as a form of augmented feedback to enhance motor skill learning needs to be determined. Therefore, the research questions for this systematic review were: In adults following stroke, 1. Is biofeedback during the practice of lower limb activities effective in improving those activities? and In order to make recommendations based on the highest level of evidence, this review included only randomised or quasi-randomised crotamiton trials with patients following stroke using biofeedback during whole task practice to improve activities of the lower limb. Searches were conducted of MEDLINE (1950 to September 2010), CINAHL (1981 to September 2010), EMBASE (1980 to September 2010), PEDro (to September 2010), and the Cochrane Library (to September 2010) databases for relevant articles without language restrictions, using words related to stroke and randomised, quasi-randomised or controlled trials and words related to biofeedback (such as biofeedback, electromyography, joint position, and force) and lower limb activities (such as sitting, sit to stand, standing, and walking) (see Appendix 1 for full search strategy). Titles and abstracts (where available) were displayed and screened by one reviewer to identify relevant trials.

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