2 channel. Then a harmonic restraint was imposed on residues R294K and E236 to pull them together. The restraint was applied between the NZ atom of the lysine side chain and atom OE2 of the carboxylate anion in E2. The Cα-Cα distance separating R1 and D2 is 19.8 Å in the initial model. Surprisingly, despite the seemingly long-distance attraction between residues, the backbone rmsd before and after the harmonic restraints were applied is 2.5 Å (see Figure 1D). The results from the four restrained simulations were used to generate a consensus structural model for the resting conformation of the Kv1.2 VSD.
The four structures were first aligned by minimizing the rmsd of the Cα atoms in the transmembrane region. A spatial average of the coordinates of all four simulations was performed to generate a target structure for the consensus model. Finally, to alleviate any artifacts caused by performing the geometric average on the coordinates, http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Temsirolimus.html a targeted molecular dynamics (TMD) simulation was performed over 250 ps. The resulting structure
from the TMD provides a realistic consensus model that closely approximates the average of the four restrained simulations. The superposition of all the constrained models is shown in Figure 2, and the consensus structural model is shown in Figure 3. An animation displaying find more the superimposed models is provided in Movie S1. Importantly, despite their conformational differences, the activated and resting states present the same overall topology, with the S1–S4 helical segments packed in counterclockwise fashion, as seen from the extracellular side. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) coordinates are also provided in the Consensus Model. We have sought to identify a structural TCL model for the resting-state conformation of the VSD of Kv1.2. Our approach has been to mimic the experimental
conditions in four separate simulations and generate a consensus structural model. The restraints were applied individually by carrying out the proper mutations in the model in order to realistically mimic the actual experimental conditions and because there is no indication that the interactions can be satisfied simultaneously. In all cases, the restrained MD simulations of VSD mutants resulted mainly in rearrangement of the side chains involved, indicating that the starting model is able to accommodate the experimental residue-residue interactions without large-scale conformational changes of the backbone (Figures 1 and S1). The rigid body motion of the transmembrane helices justifies our use of such few restraints as compared to nuclear magnetic resonance methods, which require an average of ∼15 restraints per residue to determine a precise structure (Clore et al., 1993). The final coordinates of the backbone Cα from the four restrained models do not differ markedly, and the relative overall rmsd do not exceed 2.2 Å (Figures 2 and S1).