More so, the addition of resistance and flexibility exercises app

More so, the addition of resistance and flexibility exercises appeared to enhance functional autonomy (the ability to perform activities of daily living). Supporting these findings, Bravo et al.80 found that flexibility, agility, strength, and

endurance all significantly improved following 12 months of an exercise program, in which participants performed weight bearing exercises (walking and stepping), aerobic dancing, and flexibility exercises for 60 min three times a week. The exercise group was also able to maintain spinal BMD while control groups saw significant reductions. Furthermore, selleck in a study by Hopkins et al.,81 65 older women participated in a 12-week exercise program, consisting of low-impact aerobics, stretching, and progressive dance movements. Each session was 50 min long and was performed three times per week. The exercising group significantly improved cardiorespiratory

endurance, strength, balance, flexibility, agility, and body fat. The aforementioned findings primarily include “combination” training where interventions include aerobic and/or RT with flexibility training. Thus we cannot deduce what effect flexibility training alone had. However, combination training has been shown to be just as beneficial to flexibility as flexibility training alone.83 and 84 Therefore, with the positive adaptations from RT and aerobic training, the addition of flexibility training to an exercise intervention is warranted, and may improve functional autonomy, range of motion, balance, and mobility in older women (Table 2).26 While current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines recommend light-

to moderate-intensity activities to optimize health, moderate- to high-intensity exercise may be necessary to elicit positive CV adaptations and reduce the risk for CV disease. Older adults should aim to get at least 30 min of moderate activity, or 20 min of more vigorous activity (≥6 METS or 60%–<90% HRR), 3 days a week. It is recommended that programs include low-impact, large muscle, rhythmic forms of exercise, including swimming, walking, biking, and dancing. More so, Mephenoxalone women may benefit from participating in group-based fitness classes, such as step aerobics and dance classes. Social support and group cohesiveness received from group fitness classes may help to increase self-efficacy, leading to long term adherence as well as greater enjoyment and satisfaction from the exercise program.85, 86 and 87 The addition of stretching exercises (light- to moderate-intensity, hold for 30 s each muscle group, 3–4 repetitions) to these programs can serve to increase flexibility and range of motion.

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