For north-westerly and south-easterly winds states of stagnation

For north-westerly and south-easterly winds states of stagnation appear. In the process of evolution the ecosystem of the North Sea has become adapted to these current regimes. Climate change could, in turn, disturb the marine ecosystem. The wind further controls the spectrum of sea waves in the North Sea, and storms can lead to heavy and dangerous storm surges. The atmosphere influences the heat budget of the North Sea via the heat fluxes and their variability. A

thermal stratification is generated in the northern and central parts during early summer (see Figure 5) and remains up to early autumn, when stronger winds mix the water again. There is no thermocline in southern coastal waters throughout the year as a result of strong tidal mixing. Precipitation on the north-west European shelf influences the salinity of the North Sea and its seasonal variability directly or via continental discharge. Temperature and salinity determine

the density of the sea water and the structure Maraviroc cell line of the water masses. The corresponding thermohaline circulation exhibits a cyclonal current pattern as well. The open connection with the Atlantic (mainly through the northern entrance, less so through the English Channel) allows the free exchange of momentum, energy and matter between the two seas. Planetary waves generated by astronomical and atmospheric Tyrosine-protein kinase BLK forces in the ocean penetrate over the shelf break into the North Sea, where they produce tides and water mass transports. In contrast, continental fresh water discharges (specifically the Baltic outflow) influence the current system of the North Atlantic. Figure 6 depicts a 40-year time series of net outflows from the North Sea with an average of about 2 Sverdrups. The decadal variability of the Atlantic, mainly the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is transferred to the North Sea. Figure 7 illustrates the wind- and thermohaline driven circulation in the North Sea for two different NAO indices (NAOI) as a result of a model simulation. It

is obvious that a positive winter NAOI causes a significantly stronger flow than a negative one. The transfer of NAO variability to the North Sea happens mainly through the atmosphere, less through the direct exchange of water masses. This can be inferred from the correlation pattern of the NAOI and SST anomalies in the North Sea (see Figure 8). The high values in the central North Sea indicate this interrelation. The dynamics of the North Sea is significantly influenced by astronomical tides. These are co-oscillations with the autonomous tidal waves of the Atlantic (the North Sea is too small for a direct effect of the tidal potential). The specific geometry of the North Sea basin implies eigen-periods and hence resonance in the semidiurnal spectral range (see Figure 2).

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