Several scenarios can be envisioned that highlight the challenges of VFR definition in the current era. These include: 1 A 23-year-old Canadian-born white woman travels to India to be married to her Canadian-born fiancé who is of Indian descent. In each of these scenarios, application of the “classic” VFR definition may not capture the complexity of travel-related
health risks for the individual traveler. A revised framework and definition of VFR Staurosporine travel that can embrace changes in global migration patterns, the increased variation in purpose of travel, and assessment of changing and variable epidemiologic travel health risks, is required. We therefore propose a revised definition PF-562271 of VFR travel with two components: 1 the intended
purpose of travel is to visit friends or relatives; and The intent to visit friends or relatives at the travel destination is fundamental to the new framework. Connection with the local population is related to multiple aspects of the travel experience such as duration of travel, type of accommodation, mode of travel at GBA3 the destination, exposure to food and water, intimate exposures, and access to social support systems including health care. These factors affect health of travelers to different magnitudes, and are
listed in Table 1. Focusing on the primary goal of travel (visiting friends or relatives) rather than on characteristics of the traveler (ethnicity or immigration status) provides a more useful foundation for travel consultation based on assessment of individual travel-related health risks. The second part of the definition is the requirement for an epidemiological health risk gradient between home and destination. Classically, this has referred to increased risk for vector-borne diseases (malaria, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, and chikungunya) or vaccine preventable diseases (hepatitis A, typhoid). The new framework encourages a broader view of health risks to include noninfectious risks such as accidents or injury,20 air pollution, varying accommodations, extremes of climate, and high altitude.