Note that the size of unit cell of this nanoribbon is different from those discussed above and the atoms are not arranged as B-C-N-C along zigzag lines in the model F nanoribbons. Figure 4 Model F BC 2 N nanoribbon.
(a) Schematic illustration of model-F BC2N nanoribbon. (b) Calculated band structure of model F BC2N nanoribbon shown in (a) within DFT (i) and TB model for E B/t = 1.3 (ii). Calculated band structures are presented in Figure 4b. As shown in Figure 4b(image ii), the band structure within TB model for E B/t = 1.3 have a finite bandgap which does not decrease with increasing of the ribbon width. On the other hand, the band structure within DFT has a tiny direct bandgap of 0.12 eV at the X point. The decrease of band gap was reported by Lu et al. [20]. It should be noted that we confirmed that the band structure was not improved even if we introduce the site energies at the outermost atoms. Therefore, the arrangement of B-C-N-C along zigzag lines plays a decisive role for the applicability of TB model for BC2N nanoribbons. For the zigzag nanoribbons with unit cell being a single primitive cell, the energy at the X point, i.e., k = ±π, can be solved CP673451 datasheet analytically. Since the matrix elements along the zigzag lines are proportional to −t e ±i k/2, the hopping along the zigzag lines vanishes at k = ±π (Figure 5), and the nanoribbons
are effectively disconnected as indicated by the shaded region in the right side of Figure 4. Let E a and E B be the site energies at a and b sites shown in Figure 4. In this case, the energies at k = ±π are given by (3) Figure 5 Schematic illustration of effective decoupling at k = ± π in zigzag nanoribbons. Ketotifen Since the hopping integral along the zigzag
lines are given by −t e ±i k/2, the nanoribbons are effectively disconnected as indicated by shaded regions in the right side of figure. Therefore, the energy bands concentrate on these values at k = ±π except edge sites, suggesting that the introduction of the edge site energy is not sufficient to improve the description of electronic properties of BC2N nanoribbons within TB model. In the model F nanoribbons, the degeneracy at k = π within TB model is lifted in the band structure within DFT. The BC2N nanoribbons where atoms are arranged as C-B-N-C in the transverse direction do not have such degeneracies. These results indicate that the effect of charge selleck transfer penetrates into interior of nanoribbons, resulting in a formation of transverse gradient of electrostatic potential. In the model C and D nanoribbons, on the other hand, the edge dominant states could not be described within TB calculations. For these nanoribbons, the direction of B-N bonds should play important role. In the BC2N sheet shown in Figure 1, the direction of BN dimers is arranged alternately. Then, the formation of transverse gradient of electrostatic potential in the nanoribbons is suppressed due to alternate arrangement of BN dimers in slant angle.