Figure 2 Schematic diagram showing the process of fabricating the

Figure 2 Schematic diagram showing the process of fabricating the sTNP tip. (a, b) Etching process for reflective metal layer on Olympus RC-800 Si3N4 tip. (c) The vertex of the tip was flattened by scanning the tip across a polished Si3N4 wafer. (d, e) Present SEM images of the Si3N4 AFM tip before and after the scanning process, respectively. (f) A small quantity of adhesive was applied to the flat top of the AFM tip. (g) Attached sTNP to the vertex of the flattened tip with adhesive followed

by curing. (h) Schematic diagram of fabricated sTNP tip. (i, j) SEM images of the sTNP tip. The experimental setup of the deposition of OSI-906 charge to the sTNP tip The experimental setup used for the deposition of charge to the sTNP tip is presented in Figure 3. The back side of the sTNP tip was affixed to the 30-nm Au/ 20-nm Ti-coated glass slide using conductive copper tape (3 M, St. Paul, MN, USA). A 50-nm Ti-coated tipless cantilever (CSC12, MikroMasch, Tallinn, Estonia) was mounted on the JPK AFM scanner as the top electrode. The end of the tipless cantilever was positioned precisely on the sTNP at the vertex of the Si3N4 tip by aligning the JPK AFM scanner under an inverted optical microscope (IX 71, Olympus; Figure 3b). DC voltage (−2.5 kV) was applied to the tipless cantilever for 90 s under air, and the 30-nm Au/20-nm Ti-coated glass slide was used as the

ground for the deposition of the negative GS-1101 manufacturer charge to the sTNP tip. The force-distance (f-d) curves of the

sTNP tip on the grounded gold surface were used to verify whether the charge was deposited [17]. Figure 3 Schematic diagram of experimental setup for the deposition of charge to the sTNP tip. (a) Schematic diagram of experimental setup for the deposition of charge to the sTNP at the vertex of the Si3N4 AFM tip and (b) × 40 optical microscope image of the charging setup. Measurement of the electrostatic fields The charged sTNP tip was then used for the measurement of f-d curves to determine the electrostatic field beside the top electrode of the parallel plate condenser (Figure 1). The sTNP tip is located slightly inward at the end of the AFM cantilever; therefore, the end of PAK5 the AFM cantilever is susceptible to striking the edge of the top electrode when the distance between the AFM tip and the electrode is within 10 μm. To overcome this situation, 21 spots spaced at 0.25 μm along the X-axis at a distance of 10 to 15 μm are selected for the measurement of the f-d curves in order to derive the electrostatic field. As shown in Figure 1, the edge center of the condenser was plotted as the origin of the X- and Z-axes. DC voltage (V app) of ±25 V was applied on the top electrode, and the bottom electrode was left grounded. Each curve measurement was conducted for distances of 15 μm along the Z-axis, from 6 μm below to 9 μm above the top electrode. The ramp rate and the ramp size of each f-d curve were 2 Hz and 15 μm, respectively.

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