We found that differentiated adipose-derived stem cells displayed

We found that differentiated adipose-derived stem cells displayed the morphology of Schwarm cells. Western blotting and dual immunofluorescence staining confirmed that they produced proteins characteristic for Schwann cells, including S100 and glial fibrillary VX-809 nmr acidic protein. Furthermore, differentiated adipose-derived stem cells could enhance neurite outgrowth in coculture with sensory neurons. These results demonstrate that adipose-derived stem cells can differentiate into Schwann-like cells with morphological, phenotypic, and functional characteristics of Schwann cells.”
“Purpose: Many institutions have reported varied

levels of success with ureterocystoplasty. Recently, there have been concerns regarding the efficacy of ureterocystoplasty as a form of bladder augmentation. We report our long-term functional outcomes with the procedure based on the experience of a single


Materials and Methods: A total of 17 procedures were performed during a 12-year period. Of the patients 10 had posterior urethral valves, 3 had bladder exstrophy, 2 had a neuropathic bladder, 1 had a cloacal anomaly and 1 had a 8-Bromo-cAMP research buy left ectopic ureter. Mean patient age at operation was 5.9 years (range 0.3 to 14.2). All patients underwent preoperative ultrasound, urodynamic studies and radionuclide scanning. Postoperative urodynamics were performed at 6 months.

Results: Followup ranged from 0.5 to 11.5 years (mean 4.5). Nine patients underwent ureterocystoplasty with preservation of the ipsilateral kidney, and 1 underwent ureterocystoplasty alone and had a solitary right kidney. The remaining 7 patients underwent ureterocystoplasty with ipsilateral nephrectomy. Postoperatively, the mean bladder capacity improved from 125 to 292 ml, while the mean end filling Loperamide pressure decreased from 72 to 22 cm

H2O. Mean preoperative system compliance was 2.1 ml/cm H2O, which increased to 16.2 ml/cm H2O postoperatively. A total of 13 patients did not require further augmentation surgery. The remaining 4 patients had high pressure and poorly compliant bladders, and underwent ileocystoplasty. Subsequent postoperative nucleotide scans in these 4 patients demonstrated stable upper tracts with good drainage.

Conclusions: Based on our results, ureterocystoplasty provides durable functional urodynamic improvement in patients with a megaureter.”
“We investigated the neural basis underlying the effect of race on incidental facial emotional processing using functional MRI. Thirteen healthy Korean men underwent functional MRI while viewing photographs of Korean (own-race) and Caucasian (other-race) emotional faces while performing a sex discrimination task. Responses to other-race relative to own-race neutral faces replicated previous studies: activations were obtained in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex/medial frontal cortex.

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