[15] An alternative explanation is that

[15] An alternative explanation is that SCH727965 melatonin synchronizes the patients’

biological clock to their lifestyle, resulting in better sleep and less psychological stress, which in turn decrease headache.[14] Because of these findings, we suggest that in addition to evaluating sleep in headache patients as advocated by Freedom and Evans,[1] such patients should also be evaluated for potential CRSD using salivary DLMO. “
“Headache is a symptom of cerebrovascular disease, particularly the hemorrhagic type. Also, certain headache types, notably migraine with aura, predispose individuals to ischemic and perhaps hemorrhagic stroke. The relationship between migraine and cerebrovascular disease can be causal, coincidental or co-morbid. “
“Obesity is an epidemic problem seen in many people with and without migraine. How are obesity and migraine linked, and what are the risk factors for migraineurs battling the bulge?

First, a definition of obesity is needed. Typically, obesity is defined as a body Staurosporine datasheet mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. BMI calculators are available online or as apps on smart phones, but if calculation is desired, this is the formula: Weight in pounds/(inches height)(inches height) × 703. There is more cardiovascular risk and diabetes risk associated with abdominal obesity, that is, fat around the belly. Because of this fact, it may be useful to define obesity in terms of abdominal obesity as well as total body obesity. Abdominal obesity is defined by waist circumference greater than 40 inches in men or greater than 35 inches in women or waist to hip ratio greater than 0.9 for men and greater than 0.85 for women. Migraine that occurs

more than 15 days per month at least 4 hours per day is considered chronic migraine. Why is it that those who have migraines just a few days per month often slowly progress to a chronic pattern? There are a number of possible reasons for this increase, some that can be changed, and others that cannot. Using acute pain medicines too frequently is a common reason for transformation 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 to daily headache, but others include too much caffeine, snoring, and sleep apnea, thyroid disorders, head trauma, stress, depression, and anxiety, but for the purposes of this toolbox, we will be looking at obesity as a risk for chronic migraine. Normal weight people with migraine have about a 3% chance of developing chronic headaches in a year. If they are overweight, they have 3 times that chance. With obesity, the chance of chronic migraine is 5 times that of a normal weight individual with migraine. Obesity is an inflammatory state in which multiple pain-generating hormones are produced and released from fat cells, including calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6.

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