As ex vivo lung perfusion use becomes more widespread, questions

As ex vivo lung perfusion use becomes more widespread, questions have arisen regarding the metabolic activity of the donor lung during ex vivo lung perfusion, optimal perfusion-ventilation strategy, and which parameters best define organ improvement or deterioration. Answers to many of these questions can be found in the published experience with the isolated perfused lung in the study of lung mechanics, pulmonary metabolism, and the effects of various interventions on lung quality. The purpose of this review is to summarize past and present evidence and to provide important background for clinicians and investigators

using the ex vivo lung perfusion/isolated perfused lung system. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012;31:339-48 (C) 2012 International Society for Heart and Compound C clinical trial Lung Transplantation. All rights reserved.”
“The assimilation of inorganic nitrogen is an essential process for all plant-like organisms. In the presence of ammonium and nitrate as nitrogen sources, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii preferentially assimilates ammonium and represses the nitrate assimilation pathway through an unknown mechanism that in part involves the guanylate cyclase CYG56. It is demonstrated that cells not only respond quantitatively to the NH4+ signal I-BET151 but

are also able to sense a balance between both nitrogen sources. This quantitative response was altered in a collection of mutants that were partially insensitive to NH4+. In one of these mutants, reduced function of a gene named CDP1 encoding a cysteine domain-containing protein was genetically linked to NH4+ insensitivity. Alteration of CYG56 or CDP1 transcription was detected

in several mutants, and combined down-regulation of both genes seemed to enhance the incapacity to sense NH4+ properly. These results suggest that transcriptional regulation of CYG56 and CDP1 are central and independent steps of the NH4+ signalling pathway.”
“We report on the synthesis, crystallographic and transport properties of the Zintl phase BaGe5, which crystallizes in a new clathrate-type structure. This compound was synthesized by the OSI-744 mw decomposition of the type-I clathrate Ba8Ge43 square(3) subjected to annealing treatment at 623, 673 and 793 K. Electrical resistivity, thermopower and thermal conductivity measurements were performed in the temperature range 2 -773 K and complemented by magnetization, specific heat and Hall experiments below room temperature. Additional information on the chemical bonding and electronic band structure in BaGe5 was obtained through the electron localizability indicator (ELI) and the total density of states, all calculated within the all-electron full-potential local orbital method (FLPO). In agreement with the chemical bonding and electronic band structure calculations, electrical resistivity and specific heat data show that BaGe5 is a semiconductor.

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