Boiling was performed at

Boiling was performed at approximately 97��C (water temperature) for 90min in stainless steel pan. The internal temperature during boiling was 93��C. The meat samples were pan fried in sunflower oil for 20min. The internal temperature during frying was determined as 85��C. Grilled meats were prepared using burning stove. The cuts were placed at 10cm above the flame for 10min, turned by 2min interval. The internal temperature was not exceeded at 86��C.2.3. Proximate CompositionProximate composition of raw and cooked lamb meat was done for moisture, fat, ash, protein, and loss weight content. Moisture contents of ground meat sample were determined by drying in an oven at 105��C until constant weight [6]. The fat content was determined by Folch method [7].

Ash content was determined as dried for 4h at 125��C at heated temperature oven (500�C550��C) for 6�C8h [8]. The protein was determined by micro-Kjeldahl procedure [9]. Loss weight was determined by weighting samples before and after cooking.2.4. Total IronAn accurately weighed 3g sample was dried for 4h at 125��C as heated temperature oven (500�C550��C) for 6�C8h. The ash was digested in 5mL of 2M HNO3 by boiling for about 2min and then left to cool down to the room temperature. The cooled solution was filtered through Whatman filter paper (no.41) and made up to 25mL with 2M HNO3. The samples were then analyzed for total iron by atomic absorption spectrophotometery (Model 2380, PerkinElmer, USA) at a wavelength of 248.3nm [8]. 2.5. Heme IronHeme iron was determined using four Hornsey modified methods [5].Experiment A.

Ground sample (10g) was weighed into 50mL centrifuge tubes. Then, 20mL of acid-acetone mixture was added (40mL of acetone, 9mL of water, and 1mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid). Each sample was homogenized for 30s. Then, an additional 20mL of acid-acetone mixture was added, and the samples were mixed thoroughly the tubes were then capped tightly and kept in the dark for 1h. The extract was centrifuged at 2200rpm for 10min. The supernatant was filtered through glass microfiber filters (Whatman GF/A), and the absorbance was measured at 640nm (Model 6105, Jenway Uv/Vis Spectrophotometer, UK) against a reagent blank [3].Experiment B. Ground sample (10g) was weighed into 50mL centrifuge tubes. Then, 45mL of acid-acetone mixture was added (45mL of acetone, 4mL of water, and 0.

5mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid). Each sample was homogenized for 30s. The samples were mixed thoroughly the tubes were then capped tightly and kept in the dark for 1h. Further steps were carried out as in experiment GSK-3 1 [10].Experiment C. Ground sample (5g) was weighed into 50mL centrifuge tubes. Then, 10mL of acid-acetone mixture was added (40mL of acetone, 8mL of water, and 1mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid). Each sample was homogenized for 30s.

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