Conidiation noted after 1–2 days on low levels of aerial hyphae,

Conidiation noted after 1–2 days on low levels of aerial hyphae, becoming matt to dark grey-green, 25DE5–6, 26–27DE3–4, after 3 days, spreading from the centre across the plate. At 15°C marginal surface hyphae conspicuously wide; distinct concentric zones formed; conidiation pale green, effuse and in fluffy tufts. At 30°C irregular concentric zones formed; conidiation effuse, pale green. On SNA after 72 h 15–20 mm at 15°C, 37–39 mm at 25°C, 22–30 mm at 30°C after 72 h; mycelium covering the plate after 5 days at 25°C. Colony as on CMD. Autolytic activity and selleck compound coilings moderate. No pigment, no distinct odour noted. Chlamydospores noted after 6–7 days. Conidiation noted after

2 days, effuse and in pustules to 2 mm diam, forming aggregates to 5 mm diam, arranged in several concentric zones, first white, FHPI becoming dark green, 26–27F5–8, from pustule centres after 3–4 days. At 15°C conidiation effuse, green, Mocetinostat mouse short and on long aerial hyphae, also in pustules concentrated in lateral and distal areas of the colony. At 30°C conidiation mostly in central green pustules to 3 mm diam. Habitat: teleomorph on wood and bark, rare; anamorph mostly isolated from soil. Distribution: Europe, North America. Holotype: USA, Maryland, Garrett County, approx. 10 mi SSE of Grantsville, near Bittinger, High Bog, on decorticated wood, 23 Sep. 1989, G.J. Samuels et al. (BPI 745885, ex-type culture G.J.S. 89-122 = IMI 378801 = CBS

989.97). Neotype of T. koningii: Netherlands, Spanderswoud near Bussum, isolated from soil under pure stand of Pinus sylvestris, 1996, W. Gams (CBS 457.96 = G.J.S. 96-117). Specimen examined: Austria, Oberösterreich, Grieskirchen, Neukirchen am Walde, Leithen (Schluchtwald), MTB 7648/2, 48°22′25″ N, 13°47′00″ E, elev. 400 m, on stump of Carpinus betulus, in a dry streambed, holomorph, 9 Sep. 2003, H. Voglmayr, W.J. 2392 (WU 29230, culture CBS 119500 = C.P.K. 957). Notes: The teleomorph of Hypocrea

koningii is rare. It was collected only once in Europe Farnesyltransferase in 6 years. Another teleomorph specimen from the Netherlands and two from Maryland and Pennsylvania were cited by Samuels et al. (2006a). Based on teleomorphs alone, H. koningii is virtually indistinguishable from the common H. rogersonii and several closely related non-European species. Also stromata of H. stilbohypoxyli can be similar. H. koningii has slightly smaller asci and ascospores than H. rogersonii and H. stilbohypoxyli. Trichoderma koningii was originally described from the Netherlands and neotypified by Lieckfeldt et al. (1998), who also described the teleomorph. See Lieckfeldt et al. (1998) and Samuels et al. (2006a) for further information on this species. T. koningii differs from T. rogersonii and T. stilbohypoxyli by faster growth on CMD and PDA at 25°C and a larger conidial l/w ratio on average in T. koningii. In addition, T. rogersoni does not form distinct conidiation pustules on CMD, and T. stilbohypoxyli can be distinguished from T.

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