- evidence derived from randomized, controlled

clinical t

- evidence derived from randomized, controlled

clinical trials), with treatment selection based upon individual patient, characteristics (comorbidities, concomitant medication, treatment history) and patient preference. In a soon to be published update on the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) for MDD, the expert, panel convened recommends that a trial of at. least 6 weeks’ duration on the maximum tolerated antidepressant dose be carried out. before moving to the next, treatment trial (algorithm stage). During the course of treatment with an individual Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical antidepressant, the panel recommends that, clinicians monitor patients based on certain time points in the clinical trial known as critical decision points (CDP) in the algorithm. CDPs use symptom-based rating scales to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical measure changes in depressive symptoms (eg, the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology – QIDS19-21), side effects (eg, Frequency and Intensity of Side Effect. Rating Scale- FIBSER22), and tolcrability, to help the clinician and patient make decisions regarding the algorithm at specified time points.

This revised set. of algorithm recommendations reflects the most current available research evidence Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for treatment of MDD in combination with the consensus of leading experts in this area. Combination CFTR inhibitor treatments The low remission rates with any initial monotherapy and the modest additional remission achieved with a subsequent switch or augmentation medication step suggest the potential need for using medication combinations at the outset of treatment, of MDD. Currently, combinations of antidepressants are used in practice at the second or subsequent steps when relapse Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical occurs in the longer term,

or, in some cases, even acutely as a first step when speed of effect is a clinical priority. Such combinations could potentially offer higher remission rates, lower attrition, or provide greater longer-term benefit, if used as initial treatments as compared with monotherapy. Our own group is currently Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical coordinating a large, NIMH-funded, multisite study comparing two combination therapies with monotherapy when used as initial treatments in the current MDE in patients with chronic and recurrent through major depression. The paradigm of using combination treatments is analogous to treatment for other severe general medical conditions (eg, cancer, congestive heart failure, malignant hypertension, HIV, etc). That is, more vigorous initial treatment efforts are implemented initially, rather than using an extended trial-and-error, multistep approach to isolate the single best medication or combination. Furthermore, the likely higher remission rate with combinations may also reduce attrition during short-term and longer-term treatments for MDD. Finally, antidepressant medication combinations may have pharmacological additive effects or create a broader spectrum of action in short-term treatment.

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