Further evaluation in randomized multicenter trials is warranted. Patient selection. We reviewed 39 and 50 consecutive patients with inoperable stage III NSCLC who were treated with S 1 and cisplatin plus concurrent TRT, and with vinorelbine and cisplatin plus concurrent TRT, respectively, at Shizuoka Cancer Center between July 2002 and December 2010. The TNM stage was Valproate classified using TNM stage version 6. In terms of the T factor, T4 disease, or the presence of pulmonary metastasis in the same lobe, was considered,unresectable, In terms of the N factor, clinically apparent or histologically/ cytologically proven multiple N2, bulky N2, N3 or both N1 positive and N2 positive disease were considered,unresectable, In general, lymph nodes that were larger than 10 mm in the minor axis were considered to be metastatic.
To confirm the presence of N2 disease, which was detected by chest computed tomography and smaller than 10 mm in the minor axis, 18Ffluoro deoxy glucose positron emission tomography and/or mediastinoscopy was performed. Chest CT, abdominal CT, bone scintigram or FDG PET, and brain magnetic resonance imaging /CT were performed before CRT for all patients. Rocuronium Zemuron The inclusion criteria for CRT in our institution are generally as follows: fgfr age 75 years, performance status of 0 1, white blood cell count 3.0 × 103/mm3, neutrophil count 1.5 × 103/mm3, platelet count 1.0 × 105/mm3, serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dl, total bilirubin 1.5 mg/dl and transaminase level less than twice the upper limit of the normal value.
The exclusion criteria were interstitial lung disease identified by a chest x ray, malignant pleural or pericardial buy Streptozotocin effusion, and serious complications, such as severe respiratory failure, active infectious diseases, serious heart diseases, and poorly controlled hypertension/diabetes mellitus. All patients gave informed consent before CRT. Chemotherapy. S 1 plus cisplatin plus TRT. S 1 was administered orally twice, daily on days 1 14, along with intravenous infusion of cisplatin on day one. The treatment cycles were repeated every four weeks for a maximum of four cycles. The oral doses of S 1 for each patient were assigned based on their body surface area. The three doses of S 1 that were administered based on the BSA were: 40 mg, BSA 1.25 m2, 50 mg, 1.25 m2 1.50 m2.
In general, if the entry eligibility criteria for CRT were not met, subsequent cycles of treatment federal state were withheld until the noted abnormality had resolved. If there was no resolution of the abnormality after seven weeks from the first day of the cycle, chemotherapy was stopped. Generally, the doses of S 1 were reduced in the event of grade 4 hematological toxicity, or grade 3 or more non hematological toxicity during the previous treatment cycle. For the subsequent courses, S 1 was reduced from 60, 50, or 40 mg twice daily to 50, 40, or 25 mg twice daily, respectively. Vinorelbone plus ciplatin plus TRT. Vinorelbine, on days 1 and 8 and cisplatin on day one were administered intravenously. The treatment cycles were repeated every four weeks for a maximum of four cycles. In general, if the entry eligibility criteria for the CRT were not met, subsequent cycles of treatment were withheld until the noted abnormality had resolved.