For the motion task, the original idea put forth by Newsome, Brit

For the motion task, the original idea put forth by Newsome, Britten, and Movshon (Newsome et al., 1989a) was that the decision is based on a comparison of the spike counts from a pair of neurons that are most sensitive to the two directions of motion (Figure 1B). This is equivalent to saying that the DV is the difference in the spike counts and the criterion is at DV = 0 (Figure 1C). There are several implicit assumptions. The monkey knows which neurons to monitor and counts all the spikes from these neurons while Nutlin3a the stimulus (random dot motion, RDM) is shown. Moreover,

the responses of a neuron to motion in its antipreferred direction are a proxy for the responses of another “antineuron” to motion in its preferred direction. These assumptions were later amended to replace the neuron-antineuron pair with pools of noisy, weakly correlated neurons (Britten et al., 1992) and to restrict the epoch of spike counting to shorter epochs than the entire duration of the stimulus (Kiani et al., 2008 and Mazurek et al., 2003). Nonetheless, the idea remained that the DV can be inferred from recordings of a single neuron whose direction preference selleck inhibitor (and receptive field) are suited to the discriminandum. The main transformations from the evidence in MT to the DV are subtraction (i.e., comparison) and the accumulation of spikes in time, which we will refer to as integration. Both of these transformations are appealing in principle.

Regarding the first, a difference between two positive random numbers yields a new random variable that is apt for quantifying degree of belief (Gold and Shadlen, 2002 and Shadlen et al., 2006), as we will explain later. The appeal of integration is that it implies processing on a time scale that is liberated from

the immediacy of the sensory events. It underlies the most general feature of cognition. In SDT there is no natural explanation for the amount of time it takes to complete a decision. This is an extremely important property of decisions, especially when viewed as a window on cognition. After all, outside the lab, there is no such thing as a trial structure. Hence, even the simplest of perceptual decisions presuppose decisions about Resveratrol context, which include whether, when, and for how long to acquire evidence. There are two ways to answer the how long question: based on elapsed time itself, as in a deadline, and based on a level of evidence or certainty. These are not mutually exclusive. Even for simple perceptual decisions, evidence may be acquired over timescales greater than the natural integration times of sensory receptors. For vision, this would encompass a decision that extends past ∼60–100 ms (e.g., the limits of Bloch’s law; Watson, 1986). In that case, we must countenance an evolving DV that is updated in time. In many situations, accumulating samples of evidence—that is, some type of integration—may be sensible.

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