However, alternative interpretations exist Cyclopamine supplier as to the pathway subserving visually-guided reaching (Stein, 1986; Khrebtukova et al., 1998), the collapse of which would be responsible for the reaching impairment observed in optic ataxia patients (Classen et al., 1995). According to this view, a parietopontocerebellar system provides motor cortex, via the cerebellothalamocortical pathway, with the spatial information necessary for the composition of motor commands for visually-guided arm reaching. Unfortunately, knowledge of the anatomofunctional architecture of this circuits and its relevance to reaching is still rather primitive. To fill
this gap, a recent study (Tziridis et al., 2009) has described, in the dorsal pontine nuclei, separate populations of directional eye and hand movement-related cells whose effector specificity, however, stands in contrast with the features of the GTF of SPL neurons. This leaves open the problem of where in this pathway the integration of the eye and hand signals necessary for eye–hand coordination during reaching occurs. In addition, it is hard to reconcile the multisynaptic selleck nature of this potential pathway with the need to operate fast in time, as required for visual reaching and its on-line control. Further studies will be necessary to evaluate the functional
pentoxifylline role and relevance of this pontocerebellar pathway for hand movement control in general, and for coordinated eye–hand movement such as visual reaching in particular. It is worth stressing that the interpretation of optic ataxia as a consequence of the collapse of the combinatorial mechanism of the GTFs of SPL neurons maintains all its validity regardless of the exact parietal efferent pathway (parietofrontal vs. parietopontocerebellar–thalamocortical) involved. Another crucial point to be addressed concerns the difficulty for optic ataxia patients to make fast on-line adjustments of hand movement trajectories.
An answer to this question might come from a recent neurophysiological study (Archambault et al., 2009) of neurons in the SPL of monkeys trained to make direct reaches to visual targets as well as on-line corrections of movement trajectories after a sudden change of target location in 3-D space (Fig. 4). It was found that the activity of reaching-related cells encoded different movement parameters, such as hand position, speed and movement direction, with neural activity mostly leading the onset of hand movement (Fig. 4). When a change of target location occurred, the pattern of activity associated with the hand movement to the first target smoothly evolved into that typical of the movement to the second one, predicting the corresponding changes of hand kinematics (Fig. 4).