In addition, we estimated the number of active methylases and compared transformation rates in hpEurope and hspAmerind H. pylori strains. Thus, we provide evidence of specific recombination events and mechanisms that indicate preferential receptor and donor status, respectively, in Amerindian and European strains. Results Observed and expected number of cognate recognition sites We examined the published multi-locus sequences (MLS) of 110 H. pylori strains (Additional file 1: Figure S1 and Table 1) [2, 10]. The previously assigned MLS-based haplotypes were consistent with the geographic origin of their hosts: all of the H. pylori sequences from strains from
European hosts were assigned to hpEurope [2, 4]; isolates from Amerindians either belonged to hpEurope EPZ015938 cell line or hspAmerind, Lazertinib cost and haplotypes from Mestizos were mostly hpEurope with
a few hpAfrica1. We also included 19 hpAfrica1 strains from western Africa to reflect the African genetic influx to the Americas in colonial times, and 12 Korean strains (hspEAsia) to reflect the East Asian origins of Amerindians. In addition, we extracted the MLS sequences from 7 whole genomes available at the time of the analysis, including 4 from European hosts that were hpEurope (26695, HPAG1, G27, P12), one from a North,EXEL-2880).html American host that was hpAfrica1 (J99), and two from South American Native hosts that were hspAmerind (Shi470 and V225). Table 1 H. pylori haplotype as determined by MLS in 110 strains and by WGS in 7 strains, included in the in silico analysis Host Location Ethnic group N H. pylori haplotypes hpAfrica1 hpEurope hspEAsia hspAmerind Amobarbital African (19)
Burkina Faso Bantu 14 14 Senegal Wolof 5 5 European (14) Italy Italian 1 1* Germany German 1 1* UK English 1 1* Sweden Swedish 1 1* Spain Spanish 10 10 Asian (12) Japan Japanese 1 1 Korea Korean 11 11 Native American (44) Peru Peruvian 1 1* Colombia Huitoto 14 10 4 Venezuela Piaroa 7 2 5* Guahibo 3 3 Canada Athabaskan 6 6 Canada/ USA Inuit 13 4 9 Mestizo (20) Venezuela Mestizo 9 4 5 Colombia Mestizo 11 1 10 North American (N = 1) USA North American 1 1* All 110 25 48 12 25 *Whole genome sequence strain. We determine the number of cognate recognition sites on the 110 MLS and 7 whole genome sequences (WGS) for 32 restriction/methylase enzymes previously reported in H. pylori. The number of cognate recognition sites per Kb on the 110 MLS and the 7 were highly consistent and comparable between the two types of sequences. To further validate that MLS are representative of the whole genome sequences, we performed a linear regression analysis. This analysis indicates a strong correlation between the observed cognate RMS sites frequencies in the 110 MLS and the seven WGS for the 32 RMS (Adjusted R2 = 0.80; p <0.001). Thus, MLS is representative of the whole genome sequences in terms of cognate RMS sites.