Disease or clinical progression. It should be noted that patients with CRPC will continue to benefit from androgen deprivation, as sensitive clones are thought to androgens, play an r In the progression of the disease after stopping hormone therapy. First-line treatment of the historical development of CRPC and evaluation of response to chemotherapy until the sp Th 1980s, has prostate cancer chemoresistance as a tumor. The authors found that response rates to available agents were generally low, but varies widely across studies. In addition, the authors postulated that the documentation was reactions of prostate cancer by the lack of criteria for assessing the effects of drugs, since almost 80% of patients with CRPC no complicated Gewebesch The measurable soft.
Thus, the response rate can not be determined ra in a minority of patients with measurable disease before PSA. In the 1990s, PSA has increased everywhere Obtained by and in clinical trials as a measure of one the response used. In 1999 proposed a consensus conference that the decline in PSA of at least 50% a partial response in clinical trials, as they at least four weeks sp Ter was best CONFIRMS and no clinical signs or ask radiographic progression of the disease. The use of PSA has enabled a new generation of CRPC therapy studies and PSA responses were used as a substitute for objective response in this context for the early development of new drugs. However, the PSA response has not been validated as a surrogate for OS in androgen-sensitive diseases or CRPC, and the OS is the most important criterion in Phase III clinical trials.
Zus Tzlich k can Other terminal te Zeitabh Ngig as PFS and time to tumor progression, has been increasingly used in clinical studies and recent data from nearly 600 patients with CRPC suggest that progression PSA is capable OS predict in CRPC. Interestingly, the PSA levels do not independently-Dependent predictors Pr OS in CRPC w While other clinical or laboratory parameters are considered. More chemotherapeutic agents, such as anthracyclines, alkylating agents, antimetabolites, topoisomerase inhibitors, and platinums were been investigated in numerous Phase II clinical trials years. In a check of 26 different drugs before PSA Ra the average return rate was only 8.7%, but the combination of vinblastine and estramustine was promising.
This combination has been studied in randomized trials, but the results have not the time to a system of reference prepared and toxicity t remains a concern in the context of a palliative treatment for Aged people in general. In combination, both low dose mitoxantrone and prednisone had modest monotherapy activity t And good reps Written possibility in clinical Phase II studies. In randomized studies, facilitated mitoxantrone and corticosteroids for the pain With and improve the quality of t h of life More frequently than with corticosteroids Well alone. Therefore, before the advent of docetaxel, mitoxantrone was After all, the chemotherapeutic agent is a reference for the treatment of patients with CRPC. However, this approach has not, with an increase of the operating system or reinforcing rkungsfaktoren Lebensqualit in t and improved treatments have been brought in connection searched. Of docetaxel as a standard of care in first-line treatment of CRPC A