& K D Hyde, Sydowia 50: 184 (1998) (Fig  9) Fig 9 Asymmetricos

& K.D. Hyde, Sydowia 50: 184 (1998). (Fig. 9) Fig. 9 Asymmetricospora calamicola (from HKU(M) 7794, holotype). a Ascomata immersed in the substrate. b Section of the peridium. c Mature and immature asci in pseudoparaphyses (in cotton blue). d Clavate ascus with a small ocular chamber. e–g Ascospores with

sheath. Scale bars: a, b = 0.5 mm, c = 50 μm, d–g = 20 μm Ascomata 675–950 μm high × 875–1500 μm diam., solitary or in small groups of 2–10, immersed and forming slightly OICR-9429 ic50 protruding domes on the substrate surface, with near-white rim around the central ostiole; in vertical view lenticular, multi- or check details rarely unilocular, individual locules 175–270 μm high × 320–400 μm diam., with a flattened base, ostiole a central opening without tissue differentiation (Fig. 9a). Upper peridium 32–70 μm wide, carbonaceous, composed of a few layers of black walled cells of textura angularis. Lower peridium thinner, composed of hyaline cells of textura globulosa or textura prismatica (Fig. 9b). Hamathecium of long trabeculate pseudoparaphyses, 1.2–1.6(−2) μm wide, branching Tipifarnib and anastomosing between and above asci, embedded in mucilage. Asci 137.5–207.5 × 26–35 μm (\( \barx = 172.8 \times 31.5\mu m \), n = 20), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate dehiscence not observed, clavate, with short pedicel (to 25 μm), with ocular chambers (ca. 3 μm wide × 4 μm high) (Fig. 9c and d). Ascospores 35–55 × 10.5–15 μm (\( \barx = 44.7 \times 12.4\mu

m \), n = 50), biseriate, navicular to obovoid, hyaline, becoming pale brown when senescent, straight or usually curved, smooth, asymmetric, 1-septate, the upper cell larger with a rounded end, basal cell with a tapering end, constricted at the septum,

with spreading mucilaginous sheath (Fig. 9e, f and g) (data from Fröhlich and Hyde 1998). Anamorph: none reported. Material examined: AUSTRALIA, North Queensland, Palmerston, Palmerston National Park, on dead rattan of Calamus caryotoides A.Cunn. ex Mart., Mar. 1994, J. Fröhlich (HKU(M) 7794, Dimethyl sulfoxide holotype). Notes Morphology Asymmetricospora was introduced as a monotypic genus represented by A. calamicola based on its “absence of a subiculum, the absence of short dark setae around the papilla and its asymmetric ascospores” (Fröhlich and Hyde 1998). Because of the immersed ascomata, ostiole and peridium morphology, fissitunicate asci and trabeculate pseudoparaphyses, Asymmetricospora was assigned to Melanommataceae (sensu Barr 1990a; Fröhlich and Hyde 1998). Morphologically Asymmetricospora can be distinguished from its most comparable genus, Astrosphaeriella, by its ostiole, which is a simple opening without tissue differentiation, asymmetric ascospores, and the usually multi-loculate fruiting body (Fröhlich and Hyde 1998). Phylogenetic study None. Concluding remarks The placement of Asymmetricospora under Melanommataceae remains to be confirmed. Barria Z.Q. Yuan, Mycotaxon 51: 313 (1994). (Phaeosphaeriaceae) Generic description Habitat terrestrial, parasitic.

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