Espectively. Neither patients mGluR operated au OUTSIDE the center was PCR, but the pathological response in these patients was as unm Possible to determine, because the surgical specimens were not available for examination and pathological response as unm Considered possible to determine the remaining 3 Patients who had taken a prim Ren tumor by biopsy. Pathological response was as unm Considered possible to determine in 6 patients underwent breast surgery in the presence of distant metastases. Therefore, the pathological response detectable detected in 318 patients. The operation was performed in 22 patients who had not carried out any evidence of metastatic disease w Found during the first staging.
The reason for not performing surgery in these patients was an inappropriate response and the persistence of surgery for locally advanced disease without the 7 patients, the detection of metastases at staging evaluation again after chemotherapy in two patients, refusal of surgery or radiotherapy Pr Conference final in 7 patients, poorly controlled psychiatric St tion in 2 patients and death in 4 patients. The death was thought to be the to progression of the disease in two F cases and was considered as m may on the other two F therapy cases in context. For at least the H Half of the patients the reason for the non-surgery was an inadequate response or progression to an m Resembled selection bias our right to refuse, was the Bev Lkerung evaluable pathologic response considered for all patients without metastases are distance, with the exception of five patients in whom evaluation of pathological response was not m possible, for technical reasons or relocation of a substantial portion of the tumor before surgery or therapeutic biopsy au outside the center. The prognostic significance of PCR has been studied only in patients in whom a pathological response was determined. RFS and OS were evaluated in all patients without distant metastases. Was determined using 318 patients with pathological reaction, PCR was observed in 61 patients.
Thus, in the evaluable Bev Lkerung, 340 patients, CRP was 18%. Since the profile of the sample inadequate forimmunohistochemical pr Surgery was tumor-Ph Genotype of the resected specimen in 16 F Cases identified. Ki67 was not evaluated in these patients. Tumor-Ph Genotype no longer in a patient, the surgical specimen was insufficient to determine PCR and immunohistochemical analysis for the advance. LN axillary dissection was not performed on a patient, and LN involvement could not be determined in 320 patients without distant metastases. The average number of examinees was 10 LN. LN metastasis was detected in 134 patients, and the number of LN 1 ranged up to 16 participants. Among patients with bilateral breast cancer, 3 had distant metastases at diagnosis and none of the four remaining patients were PCR. CRP was significantly h Be treated, under 55, patients with tumors overexpressing p53 HER 2, high expression of Ki67 and do not press the ER or PR forth in patients with DD regime. CRP dose of claim and the subgroup of patients with tumor-Ph Defined genotype is summarized in Table 3. PCR was observed in 6% of evaluable patients with ER / PR HER 2, 28% of patients with AS 2 and 43% of patients with TN Ph genotype. The proportion of p.