Participants at the 2013 STI Vaccine Technical Consultation stres

Participants at the 2013 STI Vaccine Technical Consultation stressed the importance of identifying STI vaccine development as a fundamental measure for STI control and working in a coordinated fashion to accomplish the

next steps in the roadmap. While many gaps and barriers JAK cancer remain, there are considerable opportunities to advance STI vaccine development and address the profound impact of STIs on global sexual and reproductive health. N.B., U.F., C.D., S.L.G. and H.R. report no conflict of interest. The roadmap was peer reviewed by the following experts prior to publication: 1- Michael J. Brennan, Ph.D. Senior Advisor, Global Affairs Areas – 1405 Research Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20850 USA 2- Professor Gregory Hussey Director: Vaccines for Africa Institute of Infectious Diseases and

Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences – University of Cape Town, South Africa Full-size table Table options View in workspace Download as CSVNone of these reviewers declared an interest in the subject matter. Reviewers agreed that contributors to this manuscript are experts in particular STI diseases and have been called together by the WHO to provide a thoughtful

strategy for “the way forward” for development of learn more safe and effective STI vaccines. This is a fine example of what WHO does best, that is, convening a group of experts to provide a blueprint for solving global health Ketanserin problems. There is no indication in the recommendations that any particular STI has been selected for emphasis or that any “expert” in this group has unduly influenced the recommendations. It is also clear from the summary that the implementation of the recommendations for STI vaccines will only occur if there is a successful partnership between researchers, clinicians, manufacturers, government officials and community advocates. Participants of the 2013 STI Vaccine Technical Consultation: Patrik Bavoil (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA); Gail Bolan (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA); Rebecca Brotman (University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA); Nathalie Broutet (World Health Organization, Switzerland); Robert C. Brunham (British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Canada); Caroline E.

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