PCR products were resolved by gel electrophoresis, stained with ethidium bromide
and visualised and captured under UV-light. All nine biofilm forming isolates and nine isolates closely selleck related to these based on RFLP results [12], ten isolates harbouring ISMpa1 [12, 41] and 13 other isolates were screened for the presence of the six GPL biosynthesis genes. All together 42 isolates were examined (27 isolates from swine, ten from humans and five from birds including the reference strains ATCC 25291, R13 and M. avium 104). Table 1 Primers and GenBank coding positions for the glycopeptidolipid (GPL) genes examined in this study Gene AF125999 Veliparib coding position Primer sequence Start-stop within gene (prod size in bp) merA 15360–16379 P102 tattgactggccctttggag 452–659 (208) P103 gctttggcttcctcatatcg mtfF 16655–17377 P104 gctgccgatgcttaaaagtc 342–499 (158) P105 gcttctcgaaaccctgtacg mdhtA 14389–15420 P106 gacccggatgaggtctacaa
232–402 (171) P107 gaacatctccgacgaggaag rtfA 4488–5774 P108 ccattggtcgtgaactgatg 56–214 (159) P109 ttttgaagaagtcccggatg gtfA 2807–4084 P112 ttctggaagatgggggagat 223–400 (178) P113 gcggaaggtcgtaatactcg mtfC 5876–6676 P114 ggcgtgatctgaccaggtat 44–266 (223) P115 tcttccagaaccgtttccac Results Method optimisation Biofilm formation by the 17 isolates of M. avium with respect to incubation time, temperature and media is described in Figure 2. Only four check details isolates formed biofilm, and the greatest amount of biofilm was obtained using 7H9 with
OADC and Tween. A mixture of 50% sterile distilled water and 50% 7H9 with OADC and Tween or 7H9 without OADC and Tween both gave less biofilm formation. None of the isolates showed growth or formed biofilm when incubated in Hanks’ balanced salt solution or water from different sources, including distilled water, sterile filtrated or autoclaved potable water and lake water (results not shown). All temperatures and incubation times tested gave good biofilm formation by the biofilm positive isolates using 7H9 with OADC and Tween as medium. The best results were obtained at 28°C and by using three weeks of incubation. The trait of biofilm Bay 11-7085 production was consistent between the isolates, and the non-biofilm forming isolates were negative under all conditions (Figure 2). Figure 2 Biofilm formation for the different conditions tested. Fourteen Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis (seven from humans, six from swine, one from a bird), and three M. avium subsp.avium isolates from birds were used to optimise the method. Results are represented as mean OD595 value after crystal violet staining of biofilm + SEM (Standard error of the mean).