Various hypotheses have been put forward to exp ain this phenomenon. In view of the fact that inhibition of protein synthesis by CHX exposure a one does not induce apoptosis in ECs, we investigated a nove mechanism as to whether TNF /CHX treatment can modu ate 4E-BP1, the inhibitor of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), and thereby ead to Sinomenine apoptosis of the EC. In addition to its we -known ro e in initiation of cap-dependent trans ation, eIF4E has been more recent y identified as a master regu ator of ce surviva .12 Severa investigators have identified 4E-BP1 as an important regu ator in maintaining ceu ar viabi ity during conditions of ceu ar stress, such as hypoxia.
13 Energy homeostasis is maintained by 4E-BP1 by its sequestration of eIF4E and resu ting reduction of trans ation initiation. Thus, 4E-BP1 is a we -conserved metabo ic brake. In addition, c eavage of the fu -sized 4E-BP1 poypeptide by caspase generates a peptide fragment that sequesters and inhibits eIF4E even more potenty than the fu ength Moxifloxacin 4E-BP1.14 Peptide products sequester eIF4E by binding to its conserved binding site, invo ving tryptophan 73.12,15 Studies suggest that increasing intraceu ar eve s of peptides containing a conserved eIF4Ebinding motif found within 4E-BP1, with the abi ity to bind eIF4E, eads to rapid dose-dependent apoptosis that is not inked to inhibition of cap-dependent trans ation.12,16 In agreement with other studies, we demonstrate that the p38 pathway p ays a ro e in regu ating the TNF /CHXinduced EC apoptosis.
In addition, our data suggest a nove mechanism by which CHX decreases EC resistance to apoptosis with TNF stimu ation. This work presents evidence that CHX, through Sodium Danshensu 14a-demethylase inhibitor inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity, eads to uninhibited upregu ation of p38 in ECs, which in turn increases the degradation of 4E-BP1. U timate y, we have provided new insights into the mechanisms modu ating the vascu ar endothe ia apoptotic response with TNF /CHX treatment.HUVECs are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of either TNF or CHX a one at ow doses; however, TNF and CHX work synergistica to induce apoptosis when ces are incubated with TNF and CHX together (Figure 1).7 No significant difference was observed on ce viabi ity when HUVECs were treated with TNF or CHX a one.
However, when the ces were treated with a combination of TNF and CHX, ceviabi ity decreased significant y by 8 hours (Figure 1A). TNF a one increased the activity of Ursolic acid 77-52-1 caspase-3 after 4 hours of treatment, but a decrease of caspase-3 activity was seen subsequent y at 8 hours, with no significant changes in ce viabi ity compared with untreated ces throughout the incubation period (Figure 1B). CHX had no significant effect if given a one, but simu taneous treatment with TNF increased caspase-3 activation with a peak at 8 hours. Figure 1C shows annexin V and propidium iodide staining assays with f ow cytometry, which quantified the effect of TNF and CHX on apoptosis induction after 8 hours of treatment. The percentage of annexin V–positive ces increased significant y in TNF / CHX compared with other groups (10.5 3.0%).active initiation comp ex. We first examined the eve s of initiation comp exes in HUVECs treated with TNF /CHX .