The amplicon was cloned into the suicide vector pFW5 [58] via the

The amplicon was cloned into the suicide vector pFW5 [58] via the NcoI and SpeI sites to generate Smoothened Agonist mw plasmid pALEC15. A fragment comprising approximately 1 kb of sequence upstream of the comX start codon U0126 purchase was PCR-amplified using genomic DNA of S. mutans UA159 as template (Primer pair P102_1997 For (5′-AAAAAAACCATGGTCCAAAAATAAGTGACTAAGG-3′)

and P103_1997 Rev (5′-AAAAAAACCATGGCTATTACGATGACCTCCTTT-3′)). Restriction sites for NcoI (bold) were introduced via the 5′ termini of the PCR primers. The digested amplicon was ligated into the vector pALEC15 cut with the same enzyme and containing the promoterless luciferase gene and a spectinomycin resistance cassette. Constructs confirmed by PCR and sequencing were transformed in S. mutans UA159 Tariquidar purchase according to the method of Li et al [34] and chromosomally integrated via single crossover homologous recombination. Transformed cells were plated on selective THY agar with spectinomycin (600 μg/ml) and single colonies were picked. For the confirmation of the expected integration a PCR was performed and

the identity of the integrated DNA was confirmed by sequencing In addition the inductivity of clones with CSP was tested as positive control [41]. The luciferase assay was performed in optical 96 well polystyrene white microtiter plates (Nunc) as described by Loimaranta et al. [59]. Briefly, overnight cultures of the pcomX-luciferase reporter strain of S. mutans were diluted 1:10 in fresh THB-media (pH 6.5) and grown for one hour at 37°C under anaerobic conditions. Aliquots of 100 μl of cells were taken as reference sample before

CSP-induction. Subsequently 2 μM carolacton and/or 200 nM CSP were added to the cells and samples were taken at different timepoints post induction. The production of luciferase was stopped by an immediate cold-shock and an incubation on ice. In addition the luminescence of untreated cells was also determined. For the assay 100 μl of the samples were diluted Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin with 100 μl of glucose-containing buffer (2% glucose, 0.9 mM ATP, 25 mM tricine, 5 mM MgSO4, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.5 mM DTT to ensure sufficient levels of intracellular ATP. After incubation for 10 minutes at room temperature 100 μl of 360 μM D-luciferin in 20 mM tricine was added through a dispenser and luminescence was measured in a Victor X-Light™1420 Luminescence Plate Reader (Perkin Elmer Life Sciences). For an appropriate comparison of the different samples the luminescence was normalized against the optical density at 620 nm wavelength. The mean of at least three independent biological samples was determined, and each experiment was repeated at least twice. For the determination of pcomX controlled luciferase activity in biofilms, an overnight culture of the S. mutans pcomX-luciferase reporter strain was diluted in fresh THBS-medium to an OD600 = 0,05.

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