The Hausa IPAQ-LF data were presented as the MET-minute/week for total walking, moderate and vigorous intensity Palbociclib Phase 3 activity and overall PA across the four domains, and in each of the domains. The MET intensity values used to score the Hausa IPAQ-LF questions in this
study were 8 METs for vigorous activity, 4 METs for moderate activity and 3.3 METs for walking.2 6 One MET represents the energy expended while sitting quietly at rest and is equivalent to 3.5 mL/kg/min of VO2 Max.3 To assess the test–retest reliability of the Hausa IPAQ-LF, participants self-completed all items on the measure twice, with an interval of 1 week between administrations. Anthropometrical and biological measurements Body weight (to nearest 0.5 kg) and height (to nearest 0.1 cm) were measured in light clothing using a digital scale and stadiometer. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as body weight divided by the square of height (kg/m2). The principal cut-off points as recommended by WHO were used to create the categories: underweight (<18.5 kg/m2), normal weight (18.5–<25 kg/m2), overweight (25–<30 kg/m2) and obese (>30 kg/m2).29 Resting blood pressure and heart rate
were measured with a Digital Sphygmomanometer (Diagnostic Advanced Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor, Model 6016, USA). BMI and resting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) have previously been used for validating the IPAQ.7 24 Similarly, for this study, construct validity was evaluated by investigating the relationship of outcomes from the Hausa IPAQ-LF with anthropometric (BMI) and biological (SBP and DBP) measurements, and also in part by comparing the differences in time spent in PA and sitting, across sociodemographic subgroups. These types of validation for PA measures have been referred as indirect or construct validity in previous studies.7 24 30 Sociodemographic characteristics Information on age,
gender, marital status, religion, income, educational level and employment status were elicited from the participants. Marital status was classified as married or not married. Educational level was classified as more than secondary school education, secondary school education and less than secondary school education. Employment status was classified into white collar (government or private employed), blue collar (self-employed, trader, artisan, etc) and unemployed (homemaker, student, retired Dacomitinib or unable to find job). Data analysis Descriptive data were reported as mean, SD and percentages. Mean group differences for continuous variables by gender were examined by independent t test, and for dichotomous variables by χ2 statistics. The reliability analyses were performed using two strategies. First, the two-way mixed model (single measure) intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with 95% CI between the continuous scores obtained on first and second administration of the Hausa IPAQ-LF was calculated.