The letters of intent are reviewed against mandatory criteria, as well as against their technical merit, public health value and potential regional impact. Eligible manufacturers are invited to submit full click here proposals, which are scored, ranked and weighted by TAG members according to
an evaluation of five elements: the project plan; the staffing and management plan; performance measures; an understanding of the requirements; and the budget justification. The technical evaluation is completed by a programmatic review, e.g. on government support and sustainability, and by the results of site audits on production, Good Manufacturing Practices, and biosafety requirements. Two review processes were completed in 2008 and in 2009, resulting in 11 awards (Table 2). Once initial awards are made and the programme of work is under way, members of the TAG make site visits to assess the progress and gauge the value and use of the WHO grant funds in accomplishing the ultimate goal of assuring the access of developing country populations to a safe, effective and affordable pandemic influenza vaccine. In addition, TAG members review the quarterly reports submitted to WHO by the grantees, and have access to a dedicated, Rucaparib confidential extranet sharepoint system elaborated by WHO. Annual TAG meetings complement
regular teleconferences and often take place at one of the grantee sites, to provide an opportunity for hands-on interaction and coincide with meetings of all the international partners. Of note is the broad spectrum of grant recipients.
Vaccine manufacturers range from large companies producing significant quantities of a broad range of vaccines to small- or medium-sized organizations producing only basic products such as diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus vaccine and are just now beginning to expand into other vaccines. Interestingly, only two of the grant recipients are for-profit companies, while nine are government-sponsored organizations. Almost universally, the WHO Libraries grants are small in relation to the overall investment these companies are making Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in influenza vaccine production. But commonly, the grantees express that the benefit of having WHO involved, both via finance and expertise, has far more value than the monetary support alone. This value comes directly from the relative freedom of using WHO funds as well as indirectly from the endorsement of WHO of the applicant’s overall influenza plans, approaches and efforts. The latter gives other funders, especially their own governments, confidence that the quality of effort is of a high standard. Furthermore, independent, external WHO reviews of the projects help assure companies and governments that their investment is wise, reasonably managed and that the probability of technical success is high. Indeed, these reviews, carried out by WHO and TAG members, prove valuable from many vantages.