The neuroprotection provided by the proactive transplantation of human NSCs in the rat model of HD appears to be contributed by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) secreted by the transplanted human NSCs. Previous studies have also demonstrated that BDNF could block neuronal injury under pathological conditions in animal models of HD.[78, 79] These findings suggest that proactively transplanted human NSCs were well integrated in the striatum
and supported the survival of host striatal neurons against neuronal injury. To develop an effective stem cell-based cell therapy for HD, it is desirable VX-809 in vitro to use genetic animal models, but earlier studies have used chemical (QA or 3-NP)-induced animal models and only a small number of studies have used transgenic HD animals. In YAC HD transgenic mice, bone marrow MSCs genetically modified to express BDNF were transplanted in striatum and induced behavioral improvement.[80] In another study in R6/2 HD transgenic mice, transplantation of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) improved motor function and increased the survival of striatal neurons.[81] Human striatal selleck chemicals llc neural stem cell line cells were treated with a hedgehog agonist to generate DARPP-32 cells and transplanted in R6/2 HD
transgenic mouse brain. The results were disappointing that the outcome was the same as a vehicle control injection.[82] This study is only one using human NSCs for cell therapy in HD genetic animal model. Human NSCs derived from ESCs could Olopatadine provide a viable cellular source for cell therapy in HD, since they can be expanded indefinitely and differentiate into any cell type desired. Three previous studies have shown that neurons expressing striatal markers could be induced from ESCs and brain transplantation of these ESC-derived
neurons in QA-lesioned rats leads to behavioral recovery in the animals.[83-85] We have previously written a review that focuses on the stem cell-based therapy for HD and investigators who wish to learn more about the subject are referred to the review article.[86] A summary of preclinical studies of stem cell transplantation in HD animal models is shown in Table 2. Intact BBB Lesion vol GAD + cells 0.3% No change NPC migration Lesion vol NeuN + cells Lesion vol NeuN + cells Lesion vol NeuN + cells Lesion vol NPC migration No change ESC-derived NSC (human) Noggin-primed NSC migration Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), known as Lou Gehric disease, is a relentlessly progressive, adult onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by degeneration and loss of motor neurons in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and spinal cord, leading to muscle wasting and weakness, and eventually to death within 5 years after the onset of its clinical symptoms.