The study was registered with the EU Clinical Trials Register (EudraCT no.: 2009-016959-21). Study Sample Women going through the menopause were enrolled in the study if they were aged ≥50 years; if they had experienced amenorrhea for >12 months; and if, during
a routine gynecologic consultation, they had spontaneously complained of hot flashes that had started <2 years previously and had significant repercussions on their social and/or professional life of ≥40 mm on a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ranging from 0 to 100 mm, with a mean frequency of ≥5 hot flashes per day during the 48 hours preceding study enrollment. Women were excluded if they were receiving or had Deforolimus ever received HRT; if they were receiving or had received (within 2 weeks prior to enrollment) β-alanine (Abufène®), food supplements (phytoestrogens, etc.), vitamin E, or courses of acupuncture aimed at relieving hot flashes; or if they were receiving or had received (within 1 week prior to enrollment)
other homeopathic treatments aimed at relieving hot flashes. Other exclusion criteria included menopause induced artificially by surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy; hot flashes that could be iatrogenic in origin or could be caused by an associated pathology; receiving treatments that could reduce the frequency of hot flashes, such as antihypertensive treatment with clonidine, antidepressant treatment with SNRIs (venlafaxine), SSRIs (citalopram, paroxetine), mirtazapine (a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant), high throughput screening or antiepileptic treatment with gabapentin;
and a risk Gemcitabine cell line of not complying with the protocol. All patients were able to understand, read, and write French, were affiliated with a social security plan, and gave their written informed consent to participate in the study. Study Treatments The treatment evaluated in this study, BRN-01 (Acthéane®, a homeopathic medicine registered in France for menopausal hot flashes and manufactured by Laboratoires Boiron, Sainte Foy-lès-Lyon, France), was in the form of tablets consisting of dilutions of the following five homeopathic medications: Actaea racemosa (4 centesimal dilutions [4CH]), Arnica montana (4CH), Glonoinum (4CH), Lachesis mutus (5CH), and Sanguinaria canadensis (4CH). The placebo tablets were identical in appearance to the active tablets but included only saccharose (75%), lactose (24%), magnesium stearate E572 (1%), and purified water without any homeopathic dilutions. All treatments were in the same packaging. Laboratoires Boiron provided BRN-01, its matching placebo, and financial support for the study. Randomization and allocation were carried out centrally by Laboratoires Boiron and generated using the random function of SAS (version 9.2) software.