Then the vessel was removed from the fire. While hot condition, the mixed powders of ingredients 1–16 were added and mixed thoroughly to prepare the homogenous product. The product was allowed
to cool at room temperature and packed in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture. The drug sample (5 g) was weighed RG7204 cell line and mixed with 50 ml of water in a beaker with gentle warming, till the sample completely dispersed in water. The mixture was centrifuged and decanted the supernatant. The sediment was washed several times with distilled water, centrifuged again and decanted the supernatant. A few mg of the sediment was taken and mounted in glycerin. Then few mg was taken in watch glass and added few drops of phloroglucinol and concentrated hydrochloric acid, mounted in glycerin. The salient selleck kinase inhibitor microscopic features of the drug were observed in different mounts.4 All the three batch samples were subjected for the analysis of physico-chemical studies like total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, solubility in alcohol and water and for
loss on drying at 105 °C. Bulk density, sugar estimation and pH values for 1% and 10% aqueous solution were also carried out.5 All the three samples (2 g) were soaked in chloroform and alcohol separately for 18 h, refluxed for 10 min on water bath and filtered. The filtrates were concentrated on water bath and made up to 5 ml in a standard flask separately.
Both chloroform and alcohol extracts were applied on pre-coated silica gel 60 F254 TLC plate (E. merck) as absorbent and developed the plate using solvent systems, toluene:ethyl acetate 9:1 and 6:4 respectively. After developing, the plates were dried and observed the colour spots at UV 254 nm, UV 366 nm and vanillin–sulphuric acid spraying reagent.6 The other parameters such as Mephenoxalone microbial load and heavy metal were carried out as per the WHO guidelines.7 Aflatoxin and pesticide residues were carried out by standard methods.8 Jawarish-e-Jalinoos is brown in colour, semi-solid, characteristic of its own odour and sweetish bitter in taste. The samples were spreaded in a petridish and observed. No filth, fungus or objectionable extraneous matters were found in the samples. The salient features of raw drugs in Jawarish-e-Jalinoos were observed and the microscopical photographs are shown in Fig.