This could be attributable to the foreign

antigen express

This could be attributable to the foreign

antigen expression. Selleckchem BKM120 Another important difference in the current study is the utilization of a frozen inoculum, mandated by the NIH; our prior study utilized freshly grown organisms centrifuged from stationary phase broth cultures. Virulence factors are regulated by temperature in a complex fashion in L. monocytogenes, and its ability to adapt to and grow at low temperatures is of importance for food safety, as reviewed recently (39). Some strains have a greater “growth lag phase” after cold storage (40). Cryotolerance (freeze/thaw tolerance) appears to be strain dependent, and growth temperatures may affect this (41). It is beyond the scope of this paper to further examine reasons for the poor immune responses observed. Live attenuated bacterial vectors for oral delivery of vaccine antigens have unfortunately not been highly successful in this or other human studies. Perhaps

selleck products these highly-attenuated, safe strains could be used in other applications requiring transient delivery of other molecules or pharmacologic “payloads” to the gut lumen. This work was supported in part by NIH/NIAID-NERCE/BEID Career Development Fellowship 5 U54 A1057159–03 (BMB), NIH/NIAID R01 AI51206 (ELH) and grants M01-RR-01066 (Massachusetts General Hospital GCRC) and UL1 RR025758–01 (Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center) from the National Center for Research Resources. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Center for Research Resources or the National Institutes of Health. We acknowledge the generosity of the Cerus Corporation, Concord, CA, USA, for providing us with the L. monocytogenesΔactA/inlB strain as well as the LLO peptide pool. We especially thank our volunteers, and the inpatient clinical research center nursing staff and clinical microbiology laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital. “
“Considerable interest has emerged towards phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, due to its intricate

molecular mechanisms and important regulatory functions in development, homoeostasis, and immune tolerance. Impaired clearance of apoptotic cells leads to immune-mediated aminophylline disorders. Current quantification methods of the engulfment of apoptotic cells by macrophages are potentially flawed by several limitations. Adherent macrophage populations are overlaid with apoptotic targets in suspension and then co-cultured for a definite period, which may give rise to two different features: (1) engulfed and (2) non-engulfed macrophages that are surface-bound cell populations. Rigorous washing to dislodge surface-bound apoptotic cells before assessment of phagocytosis may lead to loss of phagocytes, thereby skewing the apparent magnitude of the overall phagocytic response.

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