Triceps Extension Ruxolitinib chemical structure The subject stood with one foot in front of the pulley device and maintained the width of the shoulders; he held the bar with hands in pronation and performed the movement of full extension of the elbow, with subsequent return to starting position. Lat pull down The subject sat in front of the pulley device with his feet flat on the floor and held the bar with the hands in pronation; he then pulled the bar toward the trunk and when the hands were at the level of his ears he returned the bar to the starting position. Forty-eight hours later, a fourth session was held to measure the energy cost (EC) during the protocol in the four (4) exercises with two loads. Forty-eight hours later, EC was measured during exercise using two additional loads (fifth session).
Load assignment for each session was random. In every exercise, the four loads that were used were 12%, 16%, 20% and 24% of 1-RM. All sessions were performed for each subject at the same time of day (afternoon). Temperature was 20�C25 degrees C and relative humidity 35�C45%. During the implementation of the protocols with RE, the subjects did not perform any training involving the same muscle groups that were tested. However, they were allowed to perform aerobic training of low intensity and short duration (up to 20min) and other general exercises without loads for different muscle groups (eg, abdominals, stretching). Figure 1 displays the sequence of procedures in the main experimental sessions (4th and 5th).
Figure 1 Main experimental sessions Each exercise at each load was performed until exhaustion, as indicated by the inability to maintain cadence for 2 reps (duration typically ranged between three to five minutes) with intervals of recovery that allowed the VO2 to return to resting values. Resting VO2 was previously assessed with the subject sitting for 5 minutes. Exercise cadence was controlled by an electronic metronome (Qwick Time TM, China) and the pace of execution was 2 seconds for the eccentric phase and 1 second for the concentric phase (40 rpm = 20 repetitions per minute) (Short and Sedlock, 1997; Haltom et al. 1999). During the execution of all exercises as well as in the first 5min of recovery expired gases were analyzed with an open air circuit (COSMED ? K4b2, Rome, Italy). Throughout the experiment period, the K4b2 unit was calibrated daily according to the manufacturer.
VO2 was measured breath-by-breath and then smoothed with a 20 s averaging. The EC for each load was calculated from the average VO2 in the last minute of exercise and assuming an energy equivalent of 5 cal per ml O2, provided a steady-state occurred in VO2 (as given by a variation of less than 2 between Dacomitinib consecutive minutes. Immediately after each set of every exercise, the subjects were asked to select a number on the OMNI-RES (Robertson et al., 2003) which represented the exertion of the muscles involved in the task.