X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis result revealed that the complex

X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis result revealed that the complex was amorphous, whereas its components were semi-crystalline. In addition, the drug release behavior of the complex that contains 5-fluorouracil behaved pH-responsive. All the experimental

results verified the complex was composed of MSA and CS, and also indicated that the driving force for the self-assembly of the complex was predominantly the electrostatic interactions between two oppositely charged polyelectrolytes, cationic CS, and the anionic MSA. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 2255-2260, 2009″
“Background: Human populations exposed to low malaria transmission present particular severe risks of malaria morbidity and mortality. In addition, in a context of low-level exposure to Anopheles vector, conventional Nutlin 3 entomological methods used for sampling Anopheles populations

are insufficiently sensitive and probably under-estimate the real risk of malaria transmission. The evaluation of antibody (Ab) responses to arthropod salivary proteins constitutes a novel tool for estimating exposure level to insect bites. In the case of malaria, a recent study has shown that human IgG responses to the gSG6-PI peptide represented a specific biomarker of exposure to Anopheles gambiae bites. The objective of this study was to investigate if this biomarker can be used to estimate low-level exposure of individuals to Anopheles vector.

Methods: The IgG

Ab level to gSG6-PI was evaluated at the peak and at the end of the An. gambiae exposure season in children living BVD-523 in Senegalese villages, where the Anopheles density was estimated to be very low by classical entomological trapping but where malaria transmission occurred during the studied season.

Results: Specific IgG responses to gSG6-PI were observed in children exposed to very low-level of Anopheles bites. In addition, a significant increase in the specific IgG Ab level was observed during the Anopheles exposure season whereas classical entomological data have reported very few or no Anopheles during the studied period. Furthermore, this biomarker KU-55933 cost may also be applicable to evaluate the heterogeneity of individual exposure.

Conclusion: The results strengthen the hypothesis that the evaluation of IgG responses to gSG6-PI during the season of exposure could reflect the real human contact with anthropophilic Anopheles and suggest that this biomarker of low exposure could be used at the individual level. This promising immuno-epidemiological marker could represent a useful tool to assess the risk to very low exposure to malaria vectors as observed in seasonal, urban, altitude or travellers contexts. In addition, this biomarker could be used for the surveillance survey after applying anti-vector strategy.

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