aeruginosa at 80 μl of AgNPs. Next was K. pneumoniae 15 mm at 80 μl of AgNPs concentration. S. typhimurium and E. aerogenes showed maximum zone of inhibition of 14 mm each at again 80 μl concentration. E. coli showed the least zone of inhibition of 13 mm at the above said concentration of AgNPs. At minimum concentration of 20 μl amongst pathogenic bacteria, Ps. aeruginosa showed maximum inhibition zone of 17 mm. Verma et al 12 reported the antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles produced by endophytic fungi,
Aspergillus clavatus which revealed the zone of inhibition of 14 mm in case of Pseudomonas sp and 10 mm in case of E. coli. Similarly, reports of Swetha Sunkar and Valli Nachiyar 20 regarding antibacterial activity of AgNPs, produced by endophytic bacterium, Bacillus cereus isolated from Garcinia xanthochymus showed zone of inhibition of 18 mm with E. coli,
15 mm with Ps. aeruginosa, Crizotinib 14 mm with S. typhi, 15 mm with K. pneumoniae. Our results of nanoparticle production from endophytic fungi, Pencillium sp. tested against pathogenic bacteria, E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, S. typhimurium, and E. aerogenes showed maximum zone of inhibition with minimum concentration of silver nanoparticles. All authors have none to declare. “
“Industrialization is the big source of pollution. Some of the industries are highly water consuming and after using the water they expel it as a hazardous waste. Such Romidepsin nmr wastes are lethal, non-degradable or may be biologically magnified, capable of promoting detrimental cumulative effects as well as short-term hazards. The main objective of present study was to investigate the effect
of industrial effect on the leaf morphology, anatomy and cytology of Ricinus communis Linn. Effects of pollutants on plants have been recognized for a long time by Ahmad et al, 1988 1 and Threshow, 1984. 2Ghaziabad is situated at nearby national capital of India known as large industrial area. In the vicinity of these industries, many medicinal plants second are growing with the changes in their morphological & anatomical characters as well as phyto-chemical constituents and cytological disturbance. The samples of R. communis Linn. were collected from the area of Cycle Industry, Ghaziabad, UP, India to investigate the effect of industrial pollution. The effluent of Industry was analyzed by APHA, 1981. 3 Twig samples of 3rd internode were used and Metacalf (1980) were consulted for anatomical studies. For anatomical studies twig samples of 3rd internode were used and Metacalf, 1980 4 were consulted. For cytological studies, seeds were treated with three concentrations of effluent i.e. 25%, 50% and 100%. The root tips were washed thoroughly with distilled water and kept in freshly prepared Carnoy’s fluid for 48 h and transferred into 70% alcohol and stored in refrigerator. For the cytological studies, the root tips were hydrolysed in 2% acetocarmine solution and retained in same solution for some time.