Other Arabic instruments are not available as standards for compa

Other Arabic instruments are not available as standards for comparison.”
“Principles: Given the demographic development, healthy aging becomes more and more relevant. However, physical activity as an important health resource lacks dissemination in persons of older age in Switzerland. Thus, the present study aimed to develop and evaluate a feasible approach for physical activity promotion in the promising primary care setting.

Method: An expert panel developed two procedures for physical activity counselling in the primary care setting. The first complete procedure consisted of a written assessment and personal counselling

by physicians. It was evaluated by focus groups With primin, care physicians. The second modified procedure consisted of mailings to inactive patients selected by physicians. It was evaluated by a written questionnaire sent to participants.

Results: The selleck compound study demonstrated

that physical activity promotion through primary care has a high potential. However, core issues such as dealing with time pressure on physicians, applying www.selleckchem.com/products/SB-202190.html screening instruments on a broad basis beyond high risk patients, expanding physicians’ roles towards primary prevention as well as providing intervention materials actually comprehensible to patients need to be well considered.

Conclusion: To facilitate large scale implementation of Physical activity promotion, a range of flexible procedures should be provided so the physician can select and adapt them to his needs and desired role in health promotion. Further, physical activity promotion should be integrated into multidimensional health promotion to meet the diverse health needs of patients. The presented multi-stakeholder approach is generally recommended for future development of health promotion Interventions.”
“Hepatocellular carcinoma is among the most common solid tumors, ranking behind only lung and gastric for cancer-related deaths worldwide. Despite improved surveillance programs in many countries, BEZ235 ic50 most

patients present with advanced-stage cancer and chronic hepatic dysfunction limiting the available treatment options. This article reviews the most pertinent randomized controlled trials with respect to surgical and adjuvant interventions that shape the current treatment algorithm for hepatocellular carcinoma.”
“Background: Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a chronic headache condition that results from the overuse of analgesics drugs, triptans, or other antimigraine compounds. The epidemiology of drug-induced disorders suggests that medication overuse could lead to nephrotoxicity, particularly in chronic patients. The aim of this work was to confirm and extend the results obtained from a previous study, in which we analyzed the urinary proteome of 3 MOH patients groups: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), triptans and mixtures abusers, in comparison with non-abusers individuals (controls).

HIV test acceptance rate and HIV posi-tivity were respectively 99

HIV test acceptance rate and HIV posi-tivity were respectively 99.1% and 2.2%. This study indicates that it is feasible and effective to implement PITC HIV testing in TB patients. Guangxi Province had a high burden of HIV infection among TB patients.”
“Background: The decreased ability

to carry out vertical saccades is a key symptom of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). Objective measurement devices can help to reliably detect subtle eye movement disturbances to improve sensitivity and specificity of the clinical diagnosis. The present study aims at transferring findings from restricted stationary video-oculography (VOG) to a wearable head-mounted device, which can be readily applied in clinical practice. Methods: We investigated the eye movements in 10 possible or probable PSP patients, 11 Parkinson’s disease

(PD) patients, and 10 Autophagy inhibition age-matched healthy controls (HCs) using a mobile, gaze-driven video camera setup (EyeSeeCam). Ocular movements were analyzed during a standardized fixation protocol and in an unrestricted real-life scenario while walking along a corridor. Results: The EyeSeeCam detected prominent impairment of both saccade velocity and amplitude in PSP patients, differentiating them from PD and HCs. Differences were particularly evident for saccades in the vertical RSL3 plane, and stronger for saccades than for other eye movements. Differences were more pronounced during the standardized protocol than in the real-life scenario. Conclusions: Combined analysis of saccade velocity and saccade amplitude during the fixation protocol with the EyeSeeCam provides a simple, rapid (<20 s), and reliable tool to differentiate clinically established PSP patients from PD and HCs. As

such, our findings prepare the ground for using wearable eye-tracking in patients with uncertain diagnoses.”
“Taiwan initiated a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) programme in May 2007. Seventy-seven MDR-TB patients were enrolled from May 2007 to February 2009 in Eastern Taiwan. Isolates of 73 (94%) patients were available for genotyping using spoligotyping and MIRU-VNTR (mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number of tandem repeats). Spoligotyping results indicated the Beijing strain Histone Methyltransf inhibitor as the predominant genotype (n = 48,66%). Of the 73 isolates, 28 (38.4%) had a unique pattern and 45 (61.6%) were clustered pattern strains. Epidemiological links could be established in 21 (46.7%) of the 45 patients with a clustered pattern strain. The proportion of MDR-TB patients with a clustered pattern strain in Eastern Taiwan was high.”
“Background: Multiple imputation is becoming increasingly popular. Theoretical considerations as well as simulation studies have shown that the inclusion of auxiliary variables is generally of benefit.

Forty-three adult obese patients, 31 women (72 1%) and 12 men (27

Forty-three adult obese patients, 31 women (72.1%) and 12 men (27.9%), were submitted to electrocardiogram, ergometric test, and echo Doppler cardiogram at presurgical stage and 1 year after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The statistical analysis utilized the Wilcoxon, Student’s t, and Shapiro-Wilk tests with 5% significance level.

Weight was reduced from 116.5 +/- 21.5 to 80 +/- 15.9 kg and body mass index from 41.8 +/- 4.4 to 28.4 +/- 3.8 kg/m(2). Cardiac frequency was reduced from BIIB057 purchase 77.9 +/- 9.6 to 70.9 +/- 7.8 bpm, systolic pressure from 130 +/- 20 to 120 +/- 10 mmHg, and diastolic pressure from 80

+/- 10 to 80 +/- 0 mmHg. Ergometric tests showed distance covered from 378.9 +/- 126.5 to 595 Oligomycin A +/- 140.4 m, metabolic coefficient from 6.7 +/- 2.4 to 8.3 +/- 2.6 ml O(2)/kg/min, and oxygen consumption (VO(2)) from 23.1 +/- 8.4 to 30 +/- 10.3 metabolic equivalents of task. The echo Doppler cardiogram showed interventricular septum from 12 +/- 2 to 10 +/- 1 mm, posterior wall from 11 +/- 2 to 10 +/- 1 mm, and ventricular mass from 273 +/- 85 to 216 +/- 60 g. There was improvement in the diastolic function with an increase in the E’/A’ and E/A relationship and the ejection fraction with an increase from 70.2 +/- 7.2% to 72.9 +/- 6.4%.

Bariatric surgery improved physical capacity as well as structural and functional improvement of the heart.”
“Wild and tissue culture raised regenerants

of Artemisia amygdalina, a critically endangered and endemic plant of Kashmir and North West Frontier Provinces of Pakistan were screened for the amount of bioactive principles and in particular antimalarial compound artemesinin. Phytochemical screening of extracts revealed the presence of terpenes, alkaloids, phenolics, tannins (polyphenolics), cardiac glycosides PND-1186 and steroids in wild (aerial, inflorescence) and tissue culture regenerants (in vitro grown plant, callus and green house acclimatized plants). HPLC of Artemisia amygdalina revealed the presence of artemesinin in petroleum ether extracts of wild aerial part, tissue culture raised plant and green house acclimatized

plants. Acetonitrile and water in 70:30 ratios at flow rate of 1ml/min was standardised as mobile phase. Retention time for standard chromatogram was 6.7. Wild inflorescences and callus does not produce artemesinin. This is the first report of phytochemical screening and artemesinin estimation of wild and tissue culture raised regenerants of Artemisia amygdalina.”
“BACKGROUND: To maintain a high standard of patient care, it is essential to provide adequate pain management in patients who undergo nasal surgery. Levobupivacaine and ropivacaine are relatively new long-acting local anesthetics.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the analgesic effect and blood loss of preincisional levobupivacaine HCl 0.25% and ropivacaine HCl 0.375% in patients undergoing septorhinoplasty.

A retrospective analysis of questionnaires submitted by surgical

A retrospective analysis of questionnaires submitted by surgical centers reporting cases of TASS was performed between June 1, 2007, and May 31, 2009, to identify commonly held practices that could cause TASS. Members of the TASS

Task Force made site visits between October 1, 2005, and May 31, 2009, and the findings were evaluated.

RESULTS: Data from 77 questionnaires and 54 site visits were analyzed. The reporting Ganetespib chemical structure centers performed 50 114 cataract surgeries and reported 909 cases of TASS. From January 1, 2006, to date, the 54 centers reported 367 cases in 143 919 procedures; 61% occurred in early 2006. Common practices associated with TASS included inadequate flushing of phaco and irrigation/aspiration handpieces, use of enzymatic cleansers, detergents at the wrong concentration, ultrasonic bath, antibiotic agents in balanced salt solution, preserved epinephrine, inappropriate agents for skin prep, and powdered gloves. Reuse of single-use products and poor instrument

maintenance and processing were other risk factors.

CONCLUSIONS: The survey identified commonly held practices associated with TASS. Understanding these findings and the safe alternatives will allow surgical center personnel to change their practices as www.selleckchem.com/products/azd5582.html needed to prevent TASS.”
“The molecular dialogue occurring prior to direct contact between the fungal and plant partners of arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses begins with the release of fungal elicitors, so far only partially identified chemically, which can activate specific signaling pathways in the host plant. We show here that the activation of MAPK is also induced by exudates of germinating spores of Gigaspora margarita in cultured cells of the non-leguminous species tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), as well as in those of the model legume Lotus japonicus. MAPK activity peaked about 15 min after the exposure of the host cells to the fungal exudates (FE). Cl-amidine molecular weight FE were also responsible for a rapid and transient increase in free cytosolic Ca2+

in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and tobacco cells, and pre-treatment with a Ca2+-channel blocker (La3+) showed that in these cells, MAPK activation was dependent on the cytosolic Ca2+ increase. A partial dependence of MAPK activity on the common Sym pathway could be demonstrated for a cell line of L japonicus defective for LjSym4 and hence unable to establish an AM symbiosis. Our results show that MAPK activation is triggered by an FE-induced cytosolic Ca2+ transient, and that a Sym genetic determinant acts to modulate the intensity and duration of this activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.”
“Bulk SmCo5/alpha-Fe nanocomposite magnets have been prepared using a Joule-heating compaction technique.

More than 40 volatile compounds from the main chemical groups, al

More than 40 volatile compounds from the main chemical groups, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and esters, were identified by GC-MS and confirmed by their find more Linear Retention Index (LRI). Compounds produced from the lipoxygenase pathway were studied to determine

the genetic potential and the influence on each crossing. Finally, Ward’s method test and Pearson PCA analysis were used to check the ability of the volatiles to cluster the varietal virgin olive oils according to their genetics origin.”
“The relative reactivity of three hydroxyl groups in aconitine toward acetylation, chlorination, sulfonylation, and oxidation has been studied in this paper. The reduction of C-3 ketone and C-15 ketone derivatives of aconitine was also investigated. It was found Quizartinib cost that (1) the relative reactivity of

three hydroxyl groups toward acetylation, chlorination, and sulfonylation is 3-OH > 13-OH > > 15-OH; (2) 3-OH is much more reactive than 15-OH toward oxidation; and (3) reduction of the carbonyl group at C-3 with NaBH4 generated a pair of C-3 epimers, while the reduction products of the carbonyl group at C-15 depend largely on the specific reducing agent and the absolute configuration of 16-OCH3. When the substrate has 16 beta-OCH3, its carbonyl group at C-15 can be reduced with NaBH4 to yield exclusively the 15 alpha-OH-containing product. Upon replacement of reducing agent NaBH4 with LiAlH4, the C-15 carbonyl group can be reduced to yield a pair of C-15 epimers. On the other hand, when the substrate has 16 alpha-OCH3, C-15 carbonyl group can only be reduced to generate 15 alpha-OH-containing product.”
“Musculoskeletal injuries in the non-elite athletes are a clinical entity that is being seen more frequently nowadays.

The term “”weekend warriors”" applies to amateur participants in sports activities and is related to an increasing Elafibranor ic50 number of musculoskeletal injuries mainly due to overuse. Concomitant skeletal variations may as well predispose to trauma. We add to the literature two cases of multipartite patella in which locally injected ropivacaine (ropivacaine hydrochloride) and steroid (betamethasone acetate-betamethasone sodium phosphate) relieved the symptoms completely. Here, we describe the clinical, imaging features and the course of treatment.”
“Purpose of reviewChanges in perception regarding the safety of mesh require a review of vaginal approaches for pelvic organ prolapse surgery with and without mesh. The purpose of this article is to examine the implications of the negative stigma toward mesh and review the outcomes of different vaginal approaches to pelvic organ prolapse repair.

v iron agents is that they cannot be

administered in lar

v. iron agents is that they cannot be

administered in large doses and the typical 1000 mg therapy requires several clinic visits. Thus, there is a need for an i.v. iron agent that can be safely administered in a single dose of 1000 mg of iron and therefore requires less frequent clinic visits. This limitation has now been overcome with the introduction of newer i.v. iron preparations.

Ferric carboxymaltose offers effective and rapid correction of IDA by overcoming the limitations observed with previous i.v. iron preparations. This agent has been shown to be effective and well tolerated in a number of randomized controlled trials in a variety of chronic conditions.”
“Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes CA3 molecular weight between women with placenta accreta and placenta increta or percreta. Methods: This was a single institution retrospective S3I-201 purchase cohort study of women with abnormal placentation (placenta accreta, increta, and percreta) who delivered from 1982-2002. Cases were divided into superficial invasion (placenta accreta) and deep invasion (placenta increta or percreta), and compared. The primary outcomes studied were gestational age at delivery, birth weight, and size for gestational age. Results: 103 viable pregnancies with abnormal placentation were observed (1.6/1000 pregnancies). Cases of

deep invasion had higher parity and were more likely to have had a prior cesarean delivery. The mean gestational age at delivery was 33 5/7 weeks with deep placental invasion and 35 2/7 weeks in the superficial invasion group (p = 0.18). Rates of preterm birth CP-673451 research buy were 64.7% and 52.3% (p = 0.43) and low birth-weight were 24% and 29% (p = 0.76) in the deep

and superficial invasion groups respectively. There were no differences in the remaining outcomes. Conclusions: Neonatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated by placenta increta and percreta are not different than those with placenta accreta.”
“The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the efficacy of isoxsuprine (1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(1-methyl-2-phenoxyethylamino)-1-propanol,CAS 395-28-8), a tocolytic agent used in both preterm labour and risk of abortion.

Two analyses were conducted on data reporting the use of isoxsuprine in the prevention of preterm delivery. The first analysis examined two double-blind studies to determine the effect of isoxsuprine compared to placebo. The second analysis reviewed data from 25 publications containing individual and general patient data. Main outcome measures included delay of pregnancy and patient outcome.

Analysis of double-blind studies demonstrated a positive outcome with isoxsuprine in 92% of cases compared to placebo control (44.4%, p < 0.001). This beneficial effect was maintained when either risk of abortion (92.5% in isoxsuprine treated compared to 46.4% in placebo, p < 0.001) or risk of premature delivery (89.5% in isoxsuprine treated compared to 29.

Case detection and management for TB and MDR-TB have been greatly

Case detection and management for TB and MDR-TB have been greatly enhanced. From a low baseline, TB culture throughput in the laboratory increased ten-fold and has been sustained. LY2835219 mw This experience has served as a catalyst to translate policy into practice with new diagnostic technologies. It supports global policy setting to enhance and modernise laboratory work

in developing countries.”
“Honokiol and magnolol, ingredients of Magnolia officinalis, which is used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicines, have been reported to have antioxidant, anticancer, and antiangiogenic effects. Effects of these compounds on glucose metabolism in adipocytes have also been reported. However, their effects on skeletal muscle glucose uptake and the underlying molecular mechanisms are still unknown. Here, we investigated the direct effects and signaling pathways activated by honokiol and magnolol in skeletal muscle cells using L6 myotubes. We found that honokiol and magnolol dose-dependently acutely stimulated glucose uptake without synergistic effects of combined administration in L6 myotubes. Treatment with honokiol and magnolol also stimulated glucose transporter-4 translocation to the cell surface. Honokiol- Ispinesib Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor and magnolol-stimulated glucose uptake was blocked by the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase inhibitor, wortmannin. Both honokiol and magnolol stimulated Akt phosphorylation, a key element in

PLX3397 the insulin signaling pathway, which was completely inhibited by wortmannin. These results suggest that honokiol and magnolol might have beneficial effects on glucose metabolism by activating the insulin signaling pathway. (c) 2012 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.”
“OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether adding moxifloxacin (MXF) to the standard anti-tuberculosis regimen can shorten the time to sputum culture

conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).

METHODS: Adults with culture-positive PTB were divided into two treatment groups by their choice: standard regimen alone (HERZ group) and standard regimen plus daily 400 mg MXF in the first 2 months (MXF group). Sputum samples were collected thrice weekly in the first 8 weeks. The propensity score was calculated to estimate the conditional probability of entering the MXF group. Factors influencing time to culture conversion were investigated using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis stratified by propensity score.

RESULTS: Sixty-two patients were enrolled in the MXF group and 88 in the HERZ group; respectively 51 and 72 completed the study. The regimen was modified before culture conversion in respectively 6 (12%) and 12 (16%; P = 0.47) patients, due to adverse effects. The time to culture conversion was shorter in the MXF group (HR 2.1, 95%CI 1.4-3.2). The culture conversion rate after 6 weeks of treatment was respectively 82% and 61% (P = 0.

Conclusion Autologous adipose tissue derived stem and regenerati

Conclusion. Autologous adipose tissue derived stem and regenerative cells, as used in this disc injury model, were effective

in promoting disc regeneration, as evidenced by disc matrix production and overall disc morphology.”
“Objective: Difficult laryngoscopy in pediatric patients undergoing anesthesia. Aim: This retrospective analysis was conducted to investigate incidence and predictors of difficult laryngoscopy in a large cohort of pediatric patients receiving general anesthesia BAY 73-4506 in vivo with endotracheal intubation. Background: Young age and craniofacial dysmorphy are predictors for the difficult pediatric airway and difficult laryngoscopy. For difficult laryngoscopy, other general predictors are not yet described. Methods: Retrospectively,

from a 5-year period, data from 11.219 general anesthesia procedures in pediatric patients with endotracheal intubation using age-adapted Macintosh blades in a single center (university hospital) were analyzed statistically. Results: The overall incidence of difficult laryngoscopy [Cormack and Lehane (CML) grade III and IV] was 1.35%. In patients younger than 1 year, the incidence of CML III or IV was significantly higher than in the older patients (4.7% vs 0.7%). ASA Physical Status III and IV, a higher Mallampati Score (III and IV) and a low BMI were all associated (P < 0.05) with difficult laryngoscopy. Patients undergoing oromaxillofacial surgery and cardiac surgery showed a significantly higher rate of CML III/IV findings. Conclusion: The general incidence of Bcl-2 inhibition difficult laryngoscopy in pediatric anesthesia

is lower than in adults. Our results show that the risk of difficult laryngoscopy is much higher in patients below 1 year of age, in underweight patients and in ASA III and IV patients. The underlying disease might also contribute to the risk. If the Mallampati score could be obtained, prediction of difficult Selleckchem INCB28060 laryngoscopy seems to be reliable. Our data support the existing recommendations for a specialized anesthesiological team to provide safe anesthesia for infants and neonates.”
“Terpolymer resins (2,4-DHBPOF) were synthesized by the condensation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone and oxamide with formaldehyde in the presence of acid catalyst and using V,varied Molar ratio; of reacting monomers. Terpolymer resins composition has been determined oil the basis of elemental analysis and the number average molecular Weight of these resins was determined by conductometric titration in nonaqueous medium. Viscometric measurements in N,N-dimethyl formamide have been carried out with view to ascertain the characteristic functions and constants UV-visible, IR and NMR spectra were studied to elucidate the structure.

Analysis of the recent scientific literature confirms that a larg

Analysis of the recent scientific literature confirms that a large number of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients develop an early derangement of the parameters

of Ca-P metabolism in which phosphate homeostasis and a reduced endogenous synthesis of calcitriol play a critical role. Recent findings from several large observational studies have also suggested that the benefits of vitamin D receptor activators may extend beyond the traditional parathyroid hormone-lowering effect, and could result in direct cardiovascular and metabolic benefits. Treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism has become even more complex with the arrival of the calcium-sensing receptor agonist cinacalcet hydrochloride and with the uncovering of novel mechanisms responsible for secondary hyperparathyroidism. The aim of this review is the analysis of some of the recent Selleck BIRB 796 contributions in the field of CKD-MBD, to update the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms and possibly the most appropriate therapeutic approach in this field.”
“The rapid progress of modern computerized capabilities has not been paralleled by a similar progress in the operating room setting and in operating techniques. The

major advance in orthopaedic surgery during the past fifty years has been the Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor introduction of intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging, while surgical techniques have remained mostly unchanged. Orthopaedic procedures dealing with bones-a nondeformable tissue-are suitable for computerized guidance based

on preoperatively and intraoperatively obtained images. Computer-assisted surgery progressed from the first-generation systems of the 1990s to the present third-generation systems, enabling surgeons to implant a knee or hip prosthesis with high precision. However, most orthopaedic surgeons avoid using computer-navigation surgical techniques. Why has the implementation of computer-assisted surgery procedures met so many hurdles and obstacles? The factors that make up the answer to this question can be grouped into three categories: human, technological, and financial. Computer-assisted CHIR99021 surgery has the potential to revolutionize orthopaedic surgery just as fluoroscopy did a few decades ago; however, its widespread use has been hampered by a lack of sufficient clinical data on the one hand and by a reluctance to use the technique and thereby collect and share data on the other. The challenge is to overcome the human, technological, and financial hurdles. Once these obstacles are addressed, we believe that computer-assisted surgery will set a new standard of care. Until that time, some will be willing to lead the revolution and pay the price of progress, and others will be reluctant to take part in this endeavor.”
“The discovery of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) prompted the identification of substances that affect its function.

A low critical tensile strain of 0 52% was measured for a film th

A low critical tensile strain of 0.52% was measured for a film thickness of 80 nm. The critical tensile strain increased to 2.4% at a film thickness of 5 nm. In accordance with fracture mechanics modeling, JNJ-64619178 cost the critical tensile strains and the

saturation crack densities scaled as (1/h)(1/2) where h is the Al2O3 ALD film thickness. The fracture toughness for cracking, K-IC, of the Al2O3 ALD film was also determined to be K-IC=2.30 MPa m(1/2). Thinner Al2O3 ALD film thicknesses also had higher critical strains for cracking from compressive strains. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images revealed that Al2O3 ALD films with thicknesses of 30-50 nm on Teflon fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) substrates cracked at a critical compressive strain of similar to 1.0%. The critical compressive strain increased to similar to 2.0%

at a film thickness of similar to 20 nm. A comparison of the critical tensile strains on HSPEN substrates and critical compressive strains on Teflon FEP substrates revealed some similarities. The critical strain was similar to 1.0% for film thicknesses of 30-50 nm for both tensile and compressive strains. The critical compressive strain then increased more rapidly than the critical tensile strain for thinner films with thicknesses < 30 nm. The high critical tensile PF-562271 and compressive strains for thin Al2O3 ALD films should be very useful for

flexible gas diffusion barriers on polymers. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3567912]“
“Aims: The optimal management for patients with unresectable locally advanced adenocarcinoma AP26113 nmr of the pancreas (LAPC) is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of patients treated with chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with or without induction chemotherapy.

Materials and methods: We conducted a multi-centre retrospective analysis of 48 patients with biopsy-proven LAPC treated with CRT in four regional oncology centres in the UK between March 2000 and October 2007. The prescribed radiotherapy dose was 4500-5040 cGy in 25-28 fractions and was given concurrent with gemcitabine (n = 37), gemcitabine/cisplatin (n = 9), 5-fluorouracil (n = 1) or capecitabine (n = 1).

Results: Four patients (8.3%) did not complete the intended treatment due to CRT-related toxicities. The disease control rate (Objective response rate (ORR) and stable disease (SD)) was 81.3%. The median overall survival was 17 months (range 5-66 months). In subgroup analysis, a trend towards improved survival was seen in patients who completed the intended treatment (17.1 months vs 11.0 months, P = 0.06) and in patients undergoing surgery (27 months vs 16 months, P = 0.023).

Conclusions: This is the largest reported series from the UK focussing on patients who received CRT for pancreas cancer.